Job Opportunities A Class to Show Students Opportunities Out There in the World of WORK Presented by: Sarah Statham
Presentation Objective CTC/Class Basics Class Format Finding those Opportunities - Looking beyond the big box stores Contacting businesses Pleasant Surprises Questions
CTC Basics CTC located in SE Portland. 2 teachers total and 3.5 Educational Assistants Serving 32 students total All students are 18-21 and have finished high school with an alternative diploma All students given internship opportunities We follow the Seamless Transition Program model
Class Basics Class meets weekly 75 minute class (except when we go on tours) Average of 10 students Educational Assistant Started this class to show students what else is out there beyond their immediate neighborhood...look beyond the big box stores.
Course Structure WEEK 1 WEEK 2 Research business we will be visiting. Work in small groups or independently Use worksheet to guide research on the internet WEEK 2 Develop questions based on research from the previous week Create travel plan Put travel info into calendar and email if you have any schedule conflicts Class meets weekly for 75 minutes. First class students complete basic interest inventory. Week 1: Developing inquiry skills, computer/research skills. First step in learning about a new business or general field of interest Week 2: More inquiry, think about what you know and what you don’t know. What do you want to learn? Work on time management & travel skills. Communication skills - have to communicate with people if you are going to be late getting home, need to miss an internship, etc.
Research Examples Question Examples JH Kelly Research What is your favorite part of your job? How long have you been with the company? What was your first job? What kind of experience would you need to work here? What kind of questions do you ask in an interview? Research walks students through the website. Typically work in small groups. Gives them info and background about the company. Helpful when creating questions.
Class Structure WEEK 3 WEEK 4 Tour the business! Reflect on the tour & things that were learned. Thank you note writing. Week 3 - take your questions! Learning social skills - how to behave in public, how to politely ask your questions, how do you find the bathroom Week 4 - REflect on the tour - what did you learn? What did you like/dislike? Any new job opportunities you hadn’t thought of? Thank you note - work on writing skills
Finding those OPPORTUNITIES Survey students to gauge areas of interest Talk to everyone you know Colleagues Neighbors Parents Look for industries in your community
Contacting Businesses Don’t be afraid to make the call! Identify yourself Be clear about what you hope to learn Be clear with your timeframe Give gentle suggestions, ex. Our students are very visual learners Let them know how you will be prepared
Where We Have Found JOB OPPORTUNITIES Centennial Bus Barn Portland Bottling Co. JH Kelly Construction Trader Joe’s
More Job Opportunities Sunshine Dairy Sentinel Hotel Trailblazer Foods
Pleasant Surprises Work possibilities not previously considered Discover how job “themes” are transferable across a variety of businesses Ex. mechanical skills The depth of social skills and conversations Pleasant surprises Ex. all the opportunities beyond construction where someone who’s mechanically inclined could work (at a hotel or factory) OR Video gamers in the design of buildings - so many computer programs being used now and need testers of how things like piping will work Combination of students and resources for this class.
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