The Church in Fourth Century: from Constantine to Augustine Class #17: Against Pelagius
Pelagius Born in middle of 4th c in Britain A simple monk Regarded faith as hardly more than a theoretical belief which motivated a moral action.
Pelagius “As often as I have to speak concerning moral improvement and the leading of a holy life, I am accustomed first to set forth the power and quality of human nature, and to show what it can accomplish. For never are we able to enter upon the path of the virtues, unless hope, as companion, draws us to them. For every longing after anything dies within us, so soon as we despair of attaining that thing.”
Pelagius & Coeslesitus Born in middle of 4th c in Britain A simple monk Regarded faith as hardly more than a theoretical belief which motivated a moral action. Were more concerned with the ethical side of Christianity than the dogmatic.
Adam was created mortal, and would have died, even if he had not sinned. Adam’s fall injured himself alone, not the human race. Children come into the world in the same condition in which Adam was before the fall. The human race neither dies in consequence of Adam’s fall, nor rises again in consequence of Christ’s resurrection. Unbaptized children, as well as others, are saved. The law, as well as the gospel, leads to the kingdom of heaven. Even before Christ there were sinless men.
Starts with human freedom and liberty of choice Christ only a teacher/example Conversion a gradual, maturing growth Grounded in common sense with no perception of divine things Conforms Scripture to human reason Starts with divine grace and man’s bondage in sin Christ is Priest and King Conversion is a miraculous and complete transformation Grounded in regenerate reason which breaks through the limits of nature Subjects human reason to the Scripture
Adam, before the fall is able to sin: With a free will to choose: to serve God to rebel life death
Adam (& all his progeny) after the fall, is not able not to sin: With a will enslaved to sin: to serve God to rebel life death
The Christian, in this life, is able not to sin: With a will redeemed but still tempted: to serve God to rebel life by grace conviction forgiveness repentance
529 AD
Preaching God’s Sovereign Grace New Covenant Presbyterian Church Preaching God’s Sovereign Grace to a World of Need 128 St. Mary’s Church Rd. Abingdon, MD 21009 410-569-0289