Use the Simple Past Tense for: Actions which were over in the past Actions with definite time in the past
Regular Verbs Affirmative I lived in for ten years. You deserved the award. He decided to stay in . She refused the invitation. It collapsed fifteen minutes after. We rushed to the bank. You tried to fool me. They watched the game in silence.
PAY ATTENTION! The Simple Past Tense of regular verbs in English is formed by adding “ed” to the verb in the Simple Present Tense. Ex: pick → picked If the verb ends in “e”, just add “d” to the verb. Ex: save → saved
PAY ATTENTION! If the verb ends in “y” preceded by a consonant, remove the “y” and add “ied”. Ex: study → studied If the verb ends in “y” preceded by a vowel, just add “ed”. Ex: play → played
PAY ATTENTION! If the verb is stressed on the last syllable and ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, double the last consonant before adding “ed”. Ex: permit → permitted If the verb is not stressed on the last syllable and ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, just add “ed”. Ex: travel → traveled
Use the past tense of the verbs on the left to complete the sentences. Play Happen Open Rain Rent Study Visit Correct Watch 1. The stores _______________ later yesterday. 2. It________________ too much last summer. 3. The teacher _______________ all the tests in two days. 4. The accident _______________ because of a problem in the brakes. 5. My parents _______________ an apartment on the beach last month. 6. My brother _______________ abroad for five years. 7. Brazil _______________ against Germany in the World Cup in 2002. 8. The pope _______________ many cities in Canada in his last tour. 9. We _______________ the game at home with friends. opened / rained / corrected / happened / rented / studied / played / visited / watched
Regular Verbs Negative I didn’t agree with him. You didn’t solve the problem. He didn’t clean his bedroom. She didn’t arrive in time. It didn’t cross my mind. We didn’t watch the game. You didn’t finish your task. They didn’t fix the cables.
Conclusions The auxiliary used for all pronouns to form the negative is __________. The main verb is used in the __________ form. base Didn’t
He didn’t check e-mails. Christian stayed home for two days because of a cold. Write sentences about things he didn’t do in those two days. 1. work _____________________________________ 2. check e-mails _____________________________________ 3. finish reports _____________________________________ 4. talk to workmates _____________________________________ 5. call clients _____________________________________ He didn’t work. He didn’t check e-mails. He didn’t finish his reports. He didn’t talk to workmates. He didn’t call his clients.
Interrogative Form Short Answers Regular Verbs Interrogative Form Short Answers Did I mention his name? Did you stop smoking? Did he believe you? Did she call you? Did it rain yesterday? Did we lock the gates? Did you suggest anything? Did they thank the invitation? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t. Yes, I did. No I didn’t. Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Yes, it did. No, it didn’t. Yes, we did. No, we didn’t. Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.
Conclusions The auxiliary used for all pronouns to form the interrogative is __________. The main verb is used in the __________ form. base Did
Talk to a classmate about yesterday Talk to a classmate about yesterday. Give short answers to the questions. 1. Did you play soccer? 2. Did you study for a test? 3. Did you call a friend? 4. Did you listen to music? 5. Did you use the Internet? 6. Did you visit relatives? 7. Did you watch TV? 8. Did you work out?
Write questions to the answers. Did you smoke yesterday 1. _______________________________________? Yes, I smoked 20 cigarettes yesterday. 2. _______________________________________? No, we finished class at 12:30 last Saturday. 3. _______________________________________? Yes, I missed you a lot. 5. _______________________________________? No, I studied for the Math test. Did you finish class at 10:00 Did you miss me Did you study Science
Irregular Verbs Affirmative Form I came here to talk to you. (come) You broke the table. (break) He ate all the peanuts. (eat) She wore a black dress. (wear) It began at midnight. (begin) We hid behind the car. (hide) You spent too much money. (spend) They left the party at 5:00 am. (leave)
Irregular Verbs Negative Form I didn’t sweep the floor. You didn’t hurt him. He didn’t understand the reason. She didn’t speak French at the time. It didn’t cost too much. We didn’t wake up early. You didn’t say anything. They didn’t read the sign.
Irregular Verbs Interrogative Form Did I bring my bag ? Did you feed the cat? Did he take the bus? Did she cut her face? Did it catch fire? Did we have to buy the drinks? Did you do your homework? Did they shut the door?
Pay attention! For irregular verbs in the Simple Past Tense, use their appropriate individual forms. There is no rule but a verb list. Observe that when you use the auxiliaries did (interrogative) or didn’t (negative), the main verb is used in the base form.
Check the correct alternative for last weekend. Write sentences in your notebook. yes no Go to a disco Buy a CD Do homework Drink soda Lose money Read the newspaper Ride a horse Swim in a river Write a letter √ X Examples: I bought a CD. I didn’t do my homework.
Write questions to the answers. 1. ___________________________? I went to Pantanal. 2. ___________________________? I went by bus. 3. ___________________________? I went with my family. 4. ___________________________? We stayed in a boat hotel. 5. ___________________________? We went fishing every day. 6. ___________________________? We stayed there for ten days. Where did you go last vacation Where did you stay What did you do there How did you go How long did you stay there Who did you go with