Chapter 4 Your Body and Wellness.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 4 Your Body and Wellness

Page 107 Where Am I now?

An Overall View Health Assessment

Rest Are you currently getting adequate sleep? If you are not, what gets in your way? How is this affecting different aspects of your life?

Regarding Rest: What do you particularly like about some of your current behavior? What are you doing that you’d like to build upon? What is one behavior that you’d like to change? What ideas do you have for ways that you could go about making the change?

Exercise What kind of exercise do you currently engage in? How often? What kind of exercise might you want to incorporate into your lifestyle? What campus or community resources are available (fitness center, gymnasium, exercise rooms)?

Regarding Exercise: What do you particularly like about some of your current behavior? What are you doing that you’d like to build upon? What is one behavior that you’d like to change? What ideas do you have for ways that you could go about making the change?

Diet Do you think your diet contributes to the way you feel? How do your nutritional habits help or hinder you in being the kind of student you would like to be? The kind of person you’d like to be?

Regarding Diet: What do you particularly like about some of your current behavior? What are you doing that you’d like to build upon? What is one behavior that you’d like to change? What ideas do you have for ways that you could go about making the change?

Spirituality What does spirituality mean to you? What contributes to a meaningful life for you? What do you want to do about finding meaning and purpose in your life that you are not currently doing? Are there any resources on campus or in your community that address spiritual needs?

Regarding Spirituality: What do you particularly like about some of your current behavior? What are you doing that you’d like to build upon? What is one behavior that you’d like to change? What ideas do you have for ways that you could go about making the change?

Group Discussion Personal wellness is important. There is a clear link between wellness and life choices – personal wellness is not simply something that happens to us, rather it is the result of life choices. Often we know that we should take care of ourselves, yet we do not translate what we know into action. Why?

Complete the Sentences Exercise

Discuss What does the phrase “choosing wellness as a lifestyle” mean to you? In what way is wellness an active lifestyle choice, rather than a one-time decision? Does wellness have an effect on your academics?

Your Body and Wellness HOLISTIC HEALTH versus TRADITIONAL MEDICINE Traditional medicine focuses on identifying symptoms of illness and curing disease Holistic health focuses on all facets of human functioning The holistic approach assumes the unity of body and mind

Discuss What are some differences between wellness and the absence of illness? How is wellness related to a balanced life involving our physical, emotional, social, mental, and spiritual needs?

Late Middle Age People often think of what they want to do with the rest of their lives There are many positive and creative dimensions of middle age A time to consider new sources of meaning in our lives A time to examine priorities and make new decisions

Wellness Wellness consists of all aspects of functioning: physical, psychological, social, intellectual, and spiritual Wellness involves the integration of body, mind, and spirit Wellness deals with positive health, not the absence of sickness Wellness is a lifestyle choice rather than a one-time decision

Sound Habits For Wellness Restore yourself through adequate sleep and rest (7-8 hours each night) Incorporate exercise into your daily routine Manage your weight and improve your health through proper nutrition and diet Find inner strength, calmness, and purpose in life through spirituality

Discuss How would you say that sleep is related to overall health?

Suggestions for Getting Better Sleep Establish a regular sleep routine Don’t take your worries with you to bed Exercise regularly Engage in meditation or relaxation methods prior to going to bed Avoid eating heavy meals close to bedtime Maintain realistic self-talk about sleep

Some Benefits of Exercise Increasing respiratory capacity Releasing pent-up emotions Increasing feelings of well-being and self-esteem Reducing the risk of illness Reducing body weight Increasing physical strength and endurance Providing you with a source of enjoyment

Discuss Designing an adequate program of physical activity is difficult for many people. Do you experience difficulties in exercising? Is so, what are these difficulties? Have you found forms of exercise that do not cause these difficulties?

Eating Well for Optimum Health Dr. Andrew Weil, who teaches physicians at the University of Arizona’s Program in Integrative Medicine, believes that: Eating for health and eating for pleasure are not incompatible What and how we eat is key to how we feel and how we age We can make choices about what to eat and what not to eat

Discuss Discuss your thoughts about the axiom “You are what you eat.” How would you describe your eating patterns? Dr. Andrew Weil believes what and how we eat are critical determinants of how we feel and how we age. What are your thought about this?

Discuss What does the concept of accepting responsibility for your body mean to you? What are your thoughts about physicians who prescribe pills to alleviate bodily symptoms? What does this say about choice and responsibility? Can you think of any ways that you might be a victim of your body? Are there some ways that you’d like to assume a greater share of control of your body?

Your Body Image A healthy body and a positive body image allows you to do what you want physically Your view of your body has much to do with choices in other areas of your life Early decisions you have made about your body will likely affect you now Weight is related to body image for many people

Discuss How does the media define beauty for women? For men? How do we buy into the media’s pressures and it’s effects on us? Do you have any reactions to the personal stories in the chapter that describe individuals’ struggles with body image and weight?

Discuss What does the concept of accepting responsibility for your body mean to you? What are your thoughts about physicians who prescribe pills to alleviate bodily symptoms? What does this say about choice and responsibility? Can you think of any ways that you might be a victim of your body? Are there some ways that you’d like to assume a greater share of control of your body?

Discuss The authors imply that, if we feel unattractive, others may perceive us as unattractive. Do you agree?

Discuss What is meant by “experiencing your body”? How can people do this through dance and movement?

Exercise We often do not pay attention to the messages of the body. It may benefit us to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. If you have a headache or a stomachache, let your body reveal its message to you. In your notes, actually have a dialogue between some part of your body – or a symptom – and write what that body part or symptom might be telling you. Your aches may be telling you, “I can’t take being overworked anymore.” Or an upset stomach may be saying, “I am torn between wanting to do well and fearing that I’ll do horribly.” This dialogue with a body symptom can help you realize how you might be converting anxiety into a physical symptom.

Discuss Spirituality has many meanings and plays greater or lesser roles in different people’s lives. What does spirituality mean to you? Do you see spirituality related to a balance in your life? What does spirituality mean to you?