High Pilgrim by Kelly Newell When last we left our lovers, they were beginning a new honeymoon phase of their relationship. A mashup of the High Fidelity and Scott Pilgrim universes
Many things have happened since then Many things have happened since then. Rob’s business did OK but his DJ gigs really started to take off. He started to become known in Europe so when Laura was promoted and transferred to Toronto Canada he thought it was a great way to expand his fan base and his business.
Remember Johnny, the Irish drunk. He went to AA and cleaned himself up Remember Johnny, the Irish drunk? He went to AA and cleaned himself up. Before he was an addict, he was a very good business man. Rob eventually hired him to run Championship Vinyl while he and Laura relocated to Toronto.
Rob decided to open a shop called Neruotica Records Rob decided to open a shop called Neruotica Records. He not only has the classics but also new music that Barry and Dick would NEVER put up with. He has an area for bands or DJ’s to record while customers shopped. His shop became the place to go for music.
All seems to be going well, however, a leopard doesn’t change his spots. Rob becomes bored with his relationship with Laura again. He begins to start noticing his female customers.
One day, someone familiar walks in. Rosie. Simultaneous orgasm Rosie One day, someone familiar walks in. Rosie. Simultaneous orgasm Rosie. Rob is amazed. What is she doing here? Is this fate? She hasn’t noticed him yet. Should he say hi? Should he hide?
But then some guy called out a different name to her – Ramona But then some guy called out a different name to her – Ramona. Did Rob make a mistake? “It can’t be,” he says to himself, “she’s wearing the shoes I gave her”.
You know the shoes…Come on, even Scott knows the shoes.
The shoes that Ramona told Scott were from England. What she fails to go into is that she actually got them while she was in living in England for a while. She spent a year in Hertfordshire before moving back to New York. While in England she decided to change her name instead of the color of her hair. Not all of Ramona’s exes were evil.
Rob figures out that she’s going by Ramona now Rob figures out that she’s going by Ramona now. Remember, he did consider her kind of crazy. Rob is reminded of the problems that broke out when he last got together with Rosie, I mean Ramona. When he went on his mission to seek out old girlfriends, she was the only one that he specifically avoided seeing.
So, instead of Rob running off and crying…he decided to man up and let her go without saying a hello. However, Rob was still bored and decided to take maning up to the next level. One day Laura walks in to the shop and finds Rob maning up…
…with her assistant Wallace.