Role and deficiency symptoms of potassium in Mango Plants deficient in potassium are less resistant to drought, excess water, and high and low temperatures. They are also less resistant to pests, diseases and nematode attacks. Potassium is known to activate at least sixty enzymes involved in plant growth and this may be its most important function in the plant. Potassium is also known as the quality nutrient because of its important effects on quality factors such as size, shape, color, taste, shelf life, fiber quality and other quality measurements. Potassium plays a vital role in photosynthesis, translocation of photosynthates, protein synthesis, control of ionic balance, regulation of plant stomata and water use, activation of plant enzymes, and, many other processes.
Potassium plays a vital role in photosynthesis, translocation of photosynthates, protein synthesis, control of ionic balance, regulation of plant stomata and water use, activation of plant enzymes, and, many other processes. To maintain sustainability of soil and growth of the tree it is important to supply potassium partially through inorganic and partially through organic source. Before adapting integrated nutrient management practice in mango, it is important to know the role and deficiency symptoms of potassium on mango . Therefore in this RLO you will learn the role and deficiency symptoms of potassium on mango.
Objective After completing this lesson, you will be able to : Describe the role, symptoms of deficiency and excess of potassium in mango
Role of potassium in Mango The quality of the fruits, especially coloration of the skin, aroma, size, and shelf life, is improved when there is adequate K. K also increases the ability of the plant to withstand stress conditions, such as dry, cold, salinity and attacks of diseases and pests. It is essential for formation and synthesis of proteins and CHO in plants.
Role of potassium in Mango It helps in formation of stiff stems and healthy root system. Also promotes cell formation-highly mobile in plants. The quality of the fruits, especially coloration of the skin, aroma, size, and shelf life, is improved when there is adequate K. It counteracts the adverse effects of excessive nitrogen.
Deficiency symptoms Potassium deficiency symptoms occur in the oldest leaves as small red spots, irregularly distributed. The leaves are smaller and thinner than normal. With a more pronounced shortage of K, the spots coalesce and the leaf suffers necrosis along the edges. Leaf necrosis on older leaves
Deficiency symptoms The leaves fall only when they are completely dead. K deficiency caused die back which proved fatal to the plants. Tip burn and marginal necrosis are the main symptoms of K deficiency. Marginal necrosis
Deficiency symptoms Scattered yellow spot, necrotic areas along the margin of small thin leaves. An excess of K may cause an imbalance in the levels of Ca and Mg, which also causes browning along the edges and apex of the older leaves. Potassium deficiency on older leaf