Introduction to J.D. Salinger’s: The Catcher in the Rye
J.D. Salinger 1919 – 2010 Has written several books about young people including The Catcher in the Rye and Franny and Zoey Served in WWII Did not grant an interview after 1980!
J.D. Salinger Born in N_C to parents Sol and Miriam: father was _e_ish, mother, Cat_oli_ J_r_me Da_i_ Salinger R_co_nize_ as o_e of the m_st p_pu_ar and in_lu_ntial authors of A_erican f_cti_n dur_ng the se_ond h_lf of the t_en_ieth cen_ury. Has, by _is own _ho_ce, r_ma_ned out of the pu_l_c ey_ for _o_t of his l_fe.
The Catcher in the Rye Published in 1951 Has sold over 65 million copies worldwide! Despite its popular success, the critical response to The Catcher in the Rye was slow in getting underway. One of the most frequently challenged books in library history because of sex and vulgar language. Named one of the best novels of the 20th century by Time Magazine.
Reasons for Banning? Until 2006, Catcher was one of the m_st f_eq_ently ba_ned boo_s. M_rk Dav_d Chapm_n (a_sas_in of J_hn Le_non) and Jo_n H_nckley Jr. (at_e_pted _ss_ssin of _resident Ro_ald Rea_an) bo_h h_d cop_es of the _ook in t_eir poc_ets when t_ey wer_ a_re_ted.
The Catcher in the Rye Tells the st_ry of a tee_a_er _xpe_led f_om his hi_h _ch_ol and his _ourney a_ross NY_ in the 19_0’s. Is_ues di_cussed in the bo_k in_lude: _ch_ol, t_ac_ers, mu_ic, _ex, a_co_ol, hyp_cris_, _am_ly, and be_ng a _eenager. A story is about Holden Caulfield, the 16 year old protagonist of the novel, and his experiences in school and New York City.
Holden’s Character and Us Holden Caulfield = sketch of an American teenager Nearly all readers identify with or see some of their friends reflected in different aspects of Holden’s character. Young readers see in Holden Caulfield a little bit of what they are, while older readers see in Holden a bit of what they once were. Ultimately, we all know that is some way, Holden is one of us.
Similarities between J.D. Salinger and Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger attended prep schools in NYC and flunked out of McBurney School at 13 He attended Valley Forge Military Academy and graduated at 15 He has been referred to as a terrible liar, though this is difficult to prove/disprove Alienation from society– Salinger seems determined to keep his life private from outsiders.
Point of View Fi_st-_erson _imi_ed- we s_e t_is stor_ only throu_h Hol_en’s e_es “Y_u”- the _sycho_nalyst and the r_ader St_eam of _onscio_sne_s; many di_re_sions D_alect- Salin_er pe_fected the dia_ect of the t_enage b_y This langu_ge is the c_use of much con_roversy o_er the _ook Th_s c_eates a very be_ievable c_aracter
Themes/Topics Phonies/Societal Pressures “phony” implies snobbery Holden hates phonies Adolescence/ Loss of Innocence Holden is at the in between stage of life, in between a child and an adult Holden wants to be accepted by children and adults, however, he doesn’t fit into either category
Course Themes Within Catcher Con_ormi_y vs. _esis_ance I_ENTI_Y FO_MA_ION Per_eption of _ruth Cha_ges in _alues o_er _ime Watch for these themes during your reading of the novel. You will be expected to pull examples of each theme out of the novel.
Dominant Symbols The Carousel The Red Hunting Cap The Catcher’s Mitt The Ducks in Central Park Pond The Museum of Natural History Pencey Prep
Holden’s Quests Holden is looking for T_RE_ things: The _nnocence of _hil_hood _ants things to r_main the _ame as when he was yo_ng_r _o_e I_en_ity What do I do wi_h my life? What does this a_l mean? How do I li_e up to ex_ect_tions and still be an in_ividual?
What to look for while reading? This novel is a character study of Holden. Analyze Holden’s mo_ivati_ns, his _erso_ality, and his me_tal st_bili_y. What’s Holden’s deal? Is there something _ro_g with him (is he cra_y?) or is he a just a no_mal teenager?
Journal Response Put yourself into Holden’s shoes. What would you do if you were expelled from school and knew that your parents would not know you were expelled for two days? Plan out those two days and please keep your responses school appropriate.