Measurement Topic #2 – The Three Branches of Government


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Presentation transcript:

Measurement Topic #2 – The Three Branches of Government Government Jeopardy Measurement Topic #2 – The Three Branches of Government

The Legislative Branch

1. Most of the work of studying, reviewing, and changing a proposed bill is done by the Subcommittee President Select committee Rules committee

2. Our Constitution created a two-house legislature in order to Handle larger numbers of bills Give equal representation to democrats and republicans Allow more bills to pass into law Give equal representation to large and small states

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the expressed powers of Congress? Coining money Levying and collecting taxes Regulating working hours Declaring war

4. One difference between the House and Senate is that the Senate does not have Full committees Leaders who help direct legislation Limits on debates or amendments Subcommittees

5. Most proposed bills “die” or fail to become laws because They are vetoed by the President They fail to get voted out of committee They fail to get approval from the states They are found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

6. Which of the following powers is shared by both the House and the Senate? Approving treaties with foreign governments Confirming Presidential nominations Impeaching and removing the President Introducing tax bills

7. Who is your current representative in the House of Representatives? Barbara Boxer Devin Nunes Dianne Feinstein Jerry Brown

8. The term of office for a U.S. Representative is One year Two years Four Years Six Years

9. The power to approve Presidential appointments and treaties with foreign countries is exercised by The entire Congress The House of Representatives The Senate The Judicial Committee

10. To be elected Senator, a person must be A native born citizen At least 25 years old At least 30 years old A citizen for at least 7 years

The Executive Branch

11. The U.S. President is elected by The people directly The Electoral College The legislative branch The entire nation

12. All of the following are formal requirements to be President EXCEPT At least 35 years of age A natural born citizen Previous political experience Resident for at least 14 years

13. President Obama sends more troops to help in the war in Afghanistan. He is able to do this in his role as Commander-in-chief Head of state Chief diplomat Chief executive

14. As chief diplomat, the President deals with Domestic policy Legislative policy Foreign policy Economic policy

15. If a President dies and there is no Vice President, next in line would be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Speaker of the House of Representatives President Pro Tempore of the Senate Secretary of State

16. Who is the current Vice President of the United States? Hillary Clinton Patrick Leahy Joseph Biden John Boehner

17. Presidents are inaugurated on The first Tuesday in November March 4th January 20th January 1st

18. Which of the following statements is TRUE No President has ever been impeached Two Presidents have been impeached Two Presidents have been convicted and removed from office Either the House or Senate may impeach and remove a President

19. Which of the following statements is TRUE The President may only serve 2 terms in office The President may serve an unlimited number of terms The President’s term of office is 6 years No President has served more than 2 terms

20. In his oath of office, the President swears to protect and defend The Government The People The United States The Constitution

21. Which of the following is a requirement to be a federal judge Must have a law degree There are no specific requirements Must be at least 40 years of age Must be a natural born citizen

22. All federal judges Serve a fourteen year term of office Are replaced when a new President is elected Must be approved by both houses of Congress Serve a life time term of office during “good behavior”

23. The power of judicial review allows the Supreme Court to Declare laws unconstitutional Add amendments to the Constitution Create new laws to deal with Constitutional issues Remove elected officials who have abused their power

24. The belief that the Supreme Court should use its power of judicial review to promote socially desirable goals is called Judicial restraint Strict constructionism Senatorial courtesy Judicial activism

25. Most cases heard by the Supreme Court originated in District Courts Special Courts Municipal Courts Appeals Courts

26. All federal judicial appointments must be approved by The House of Represntatives An appeals court The Senate A joint session of Congress

27. Which of the following best describes decisions that are handed down by the Supreme Court? They do not have the force of law They are usually reviews of lower court decisions They are usually decided by a twelve-person jury They can be overruled by either of the other two branches

Loose constructionism Revisionism Strict constructionism 28. The belief that the Supreme Court should follow the exact letter of the Constitution is called Loose constructionism Revisionism Strict constructionism Judicial oversight

29. Federal judges are allowed to serve a life time term of office mainly because It is difficult to find replacement justices Judges need to be free of political pressures and influences The Judicial Branch is the weakest of the three branches It prevents too much judicial activism

30. Which of the following shows the correct progression of how cases make their way to the Supreme Court? County court >>> State court >>> Supreme Court Appeals court >>> District court >>> Supreme Court Peoples court >>> Circuit court >>> Supreme Court District court >>> Appeals court >>> Supreme Court

Legislative vs. Judicial Executive vs. Legislative OT. The recent shut-down of the federal government involved a conflict between what two branches? Executive vs. Judicial Legislative vs. Judicial Executive vs. Legislative National vs. Federal