Regional Center Eligibility & Services Going from “NO” to “YES”
Early Start Services If private insurance denies your requests, regional centers, as payors of last resort, may fund the following as required early intervention services: Family training and counseling Speech and language therapy Occupational therapy Physical therapy Psychological services Service coordination Medical services for diagnostic or evaluation purposes Early identification, screening, and assessment Vision services Assistive technology services and devices *This is a non-comprehensive list of services offered under early start/early intervention. Government Code 95016 et seq. 20 U.S.C. §1432
Early Start Services Regional Center (RC), as payors of last resort, may fund the services as required early intervention IF: You formally request the service Provide RC copies of private insurance denial letter The service is needed/required as an early intervention service
Lanterman Eligibility On-going eligibility for ages 3 and older
Lanterman Eligibility Diagnosis Intellectual Disability Cerebral Palsy Epilepsy Autism Fifth Category - disabling conditions found to be closely related to an intellectual disability or to require treatment similar to that required for individuals with an intellectual disability Time of Onset: Originating before age 18 Prognosis: Likely to continue indefinitely Severity: Substantial disability in three (3) areas of major life activity 17 CCR §54000 WIC 4512(a)
Lanterman Eligibility – Substantial Disability Major Life Activity Ages at which the categories are considered (Must have a major impairment in at least 3 domains) Birth to 5 6-17 18+ (diagnosed prior to age 18) 1. Learning X 2. Receptive/Expressive Language 3. Mobility 4. Self-Care 5. Self-Direction 6. Capacity for Independent Living 7. Economic Self-Sufficiency 17 CCR §54001; WIC 4512(l)
Lanterman Eligibility - Exclusions Developmental disabilities shall not include “handicapping conditions” that are Solely psychiatric disorders Solely learning disabilities Solely physical in nature 17 CCR §54000
A guideline of services available for over age 3 Lanterman Services A guideline of services available for over age 3
Lanterman Services Family or individual counseling Independent or supported living services Licensed residential services Medical and dental services Parenting classes For consumers who are parents Adult day program Behavior intervention services Crisis invention services Day care through age 17 Durable and nondurable medical equipment Diapers, wheelchair, orthotics/walker, van lifts, etc. *This is a non-comprehensive list of services offered.
Lanterman Services Personal assistance Psychological assessments For adults only Respite care Supported employment Transportation services Public or Private Special education referrals for advocacy IRC Educational Advocate & OCRA *This is a non-comprehensive list of services offered. If deemed eligible for services, talk to your Service Coordinator about your unique needs.
How to Turn “No” to “Yes” Request and Keep copies of ALL documents Share info with your Regional Center (RC) worker Request meetings to inform RC of changes in: Health/Medical Conditions Eating or Sleeping habits Behaviors - AWOL, Aggression, Toileting, etc. Family Dynamics Ask RC to fund services to support these changes
How to Turn “No” to “Yes” Follow up (in writing) to confirm the request Ask, when you will get follow up from RC Don’t accept a denial over the phone Request a denial letter (NOA) and an appeal packet Utilize the OCRA re: service rights and legal advice If you feel strongly, File an Appeal (Fair Hearing) Maintain open communication with RC in an attempt to resolve disputes at the lowest level
Resources on Regional Center Eligibility Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA) or phone (916)446-7961 California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) or phone (916)654-1690 View on-line: Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act and Related Laws Disability Rights California or phone (800)776-5746 View on-line: Rights Under the Lanterman Act: Regional Center Services for People with Developmental Disabilities Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy (909)383-1133 Inland Regional Center or phone (909)890-3000 State Council on Developmental Disabilities, San Bernardino Regional Office or phone (909)890-1259
Questions & Answers State Council on Developmental Disabilities, San Bernardino Regional Office 685 E. Carnegie Drive, Suite #125 San Bernardino, CA 92408 (909) 890-1259 or