OASIS OData Technical Committee
AGENDA Introduction OASIS OData Technical Committee OData Overview Work of the Technical Committee Q&A
OASIS ODATA TECHNICAL COMMITTEE OASIS OData Technical Committee Announcement May 24, 2012Announcement Supporters: Microsoft, IBM, SAP, Citrix, WS02, Progress, CA, Red Hat Microsoft contributed OData version 3.0 specs Schedule Call for participation June 11 th First meeting July th in Redmond, WA o Members must join by July 19 th to vote at first meeting Charter proposes ~12 months to Standardize More information on joining the OASIS OData Technical Committee
OData Overview
OPEN DATA PROTOCOL (ODATA) A common, open, REST-ful Web protocol for querying and updating data that provides a uniform way to unlock data and free it from silos that exist in applications today.
ODATA PRINCIPLES Build On REST Principles Resource-oriented o Entities modeled as Resources o Relationships modeled as links o CRUD = POST, GET, PUT/PATCH, DELETE Hypermedia-driven o Navigate from Service Document to Sets to Members to related items to… o Links in Payload for editing, navigation, operations, etc. Model-based URLs, operations, namespaces, derived from declarative model Build on Existing Formats ATOM, JSON
ODATA ENTITY DATA MODEL Entities Named structures with keys Inheritance Properties String, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Spatial datatypes Collections, Complex Types Stream Properties Dynamic Properties Relationships Expose navigation paths
ODATA SEMANTICS Query Basic filter, sort, projection Built-in functions Client/Server paging Expand Navigation Hyper-media driven relationship links in payload Data Modification POST – a new entity to a collection PUT/PATCH – to an edit URL to update a retrieved entity DELETE – to an edit URL to delete an entity Batch Operations Single request, group requests into atomic changesets
EXTENSIBILITY Custom Actions Side-effecting operations that may or may not return a value May be exposed on instances (Hypermedia-driven) Custom Functions Extend query language May be exposed on instances (Hypermedia-driven) Metadata Annotations Extend the metadata language Instance Annotations Add additional information to the payload
VOCABULARIES Shared annotation terms Type or Value terms Common Extensions Capabilities, Display, etc. Ontologies Shared schemas Include data and operations
WORK OF TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Address issues, comments, errors in submitted documents Extend OData to support: o Deltas – Servers return delta link that can be used to fetch changes to a result o Analytic Data – Add $aggregate, $rollup to query – Join support (queries rooted at EntityContainer) – Annotations for measures, hierarchies, dimensions, etc. o Temporal Data – Functions to query as of a particular application/system time or time range – Annotate columns that represent from and to time validity o Operations against XML, JSON streams – Specify content type for streams – Define operations on well known content types Simplified JSON Format o Describe metadata through a common instance annotation mechanism o Leverage templating to remove redundant metadata information from payload
ODATA EXTENSION DESIGN PRINCIPLES Keep it Simple! Support common scenarios without trying to implement every possible variation Model the concepts you want the clients to consume o Push modeling complexity to the service Hypermedia-driven Follow REST principles wherever possible, deriving semantics from exposed Data Model Make Extensions Incremental Extensions must not violate core semantics of OData o Client libraries that dont understand the extensions should still work o Clients that do understand the extensions can have a richer experience Be Consistent Consistency/reuse across core/extensions enhances simplicity
GET INVOLVED! Join the OASIS OData Technical Committee: Submit comments to the OASIS OData Mailing List: Participate in the OData Community
Q & A