Snap, Crackle, Apophysitis ArAFP 66th Annual Scientific Assembly June 15, 2013 Elton R. Cleveland, DVM, MD. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Arkansas Children’s Hospital
Apophysitis Inflamation of the apophysis that is usually caused by overuse or repetitive traction to the physis Usually no bruising or ecchymosis Insidious
Little League Elbow Epiphysitis of medial epicondyle caused by repetitive strain of throwing damage to radiocapitellum osteochondrosis of capitellum increase valgus stress rest, modified activity, limit throws, mechanics
Osgood- Schlatter Boys (12 1/2-13), girls (11 1/2 years) Tensile stresses acting across the junction of the immature patellar tendon and the tibia tubercule Pain, tenderness, swelling - Bilat 56% Rest, ice, activity modification, pain mgmt, hamstring stretches, padding
Osgood-Schlatters Disease
Sinding-Larsen-Johannson Osgood - Schlatter of the inferior pole of the patella
Achilles Tendonitis Frequently recurrent problem tight achilles with recurrent traction rare rupture in young athlete rest, ice, heel cord stretching, strengthening
Sever’s Disease Osgood-Schlatter’s of the heel - Bilat 61% Girls - 8-10y/o, Boys 10-12y/o activity related heel pain X-rays may not be helpful because fragmentation and sclerosis of the calcaneal apophysis is normal calf stretches, heel lifts, strengthen dorsiflexors, activity modification
Pelvic Apophysitis Iliac ASIS AIIS Symphysis Ishial tuberosity Greater Trochanter Lesser Trochanter
Apophysitis vs Apophyseal Avulsion Fractures
Apophysitis Inflamation of the apophysis that is usually caused by overuse or repetitive traction to the physis Usually no bruising or ecchymosis Insidious
Avulsion Fracture Sudden pain with activity Can recall specific activity Most severe with activity Improves with rest +/- Swelling – tenderness with palpation Passive stretch may reproduce pain
Avulsion Fracture Soccer 74 cases Gymnastics 55 cases Rossi, Dragoni
Avulsion Fx – Hip/Pelvis Ishial Tuberosity 54% AIIS 22% ASIS 19% Pubic symphysis 3% Iliac Crest 1 % Rossi, Dragoni
Pelvic Apophysitis – D/D Pelvic Avulsion Fractures Snapping Hip Syndrome Spondylolysis Femoral Neck Stress Fracture Sports Hernia
Imaging Xray CT MRI U/S
Avulsion Fx – Hip/Pelvis ASIS – Sartorius Ishial Tuberosity – Hamstring AIIS- Rectus Femoris – Lesser Trochanter – Iliac Crest – obliques Metzmaker, Pappus
Avulsion Fx – Hip/Pelvis ASIS – Sartorius Ishial Tuberosity – Hamstring AIIS- Rectus Femoris – Lesser Trochanter – Iliac Crest – obliques Metzmaker, Pappus
Avulsion Fx – Hip/Pelvis ASIS – Sartorius Ishial Tuberosity – Hamstring AIIS- Rectus Femoris – Lesser Trochanter – Iliac Crest – obliques Metzmaker, Pappus
Avulsion Fx – Hip/Pelvis ASIS – Sartorius Ishial Tuberosity – Hamstring AIIS- Rectus Femoris – Lesser Trochanter – Iliac Crest – obliques Metzmaker, Pappus
Avulsion Fx – Hip/Pelvis ASIS – Sartorius Ishial Tuberosity – Hamstring AIIS- Rectus Femoris – Lesser Trochanter – Iliac Crest – obliques Metzmaker, Pappus
Surgery ? Consider if >2cm displacement