Identify: Atomic Weapons
Identify Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Lake Placid Olympics
The 80’s
Election of 1980 Ronald Reagan
Reagan -actor -spokesman for GE
Reagan elected b/c: -Economy not doing well -Carter and the Iranian hostage crisis
Reagan -“Supply Side economics” -social spending cuts -greatly increased defense budget
August 13, 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act: “supply side economics” tax and regulation cuts for businesses/wealthy people expanded individual retirement accounts
2nd term: -foreign policy -no experience -anti-Communist, Soviet Union= “evil empire” -massive military build-up
March 23, 1983 “Star Wars” Strategic Defense Initiative: -develop missile technology that would detect/intercept/destroy enemy missiles
Middle East
“Middle East”
America’s plan: -create a buffer zone around Iraq and Syria -supported Afghan rebels against Soviet Union -problems with Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi
In Lebanon: -hostages (US and European) -U.S. sold weapons to Iran who was at war with Iraq
Latin America
America’s plan: -supported U.S.-friendly dictatorships
Grenada -Communist rebellion -800 Am. students there -US Marines invaded -19 Americans died -119 injured -After invasion, new anti- Comm. gov’t installed
1982 Anti-Communist rebels (Contras) in Nicaragua
Boland Amendments -prohibited US from aiding rebels -Reagan tries to get around this
Iran-Contra Crisis -Reagan took $ from Iran arm sales -diverted it to Contras (anti-Communists)
Soviet Union
1985: Mikhail Gorbachev -new leader of Soviet Union -changes: glasnost and perestroika -Reagan+Gorbachev=BFFL’s
Reagan and Gorbachev -agreed to reduce intermediate-range nuclear forces
Election of 1988
Economics in the 80’s
Investing -dangerous patterns -Black Monday (1987) -business closures/bailouts
Society in the 80’s
Music + Technology
Live Aid
1981 IBM released 1st personal computer $1,565 240,000 orders in the first month
Religious Right and Christian Coalition protested “immorality” Republican party
1981 First cases of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) reported in US Researchers discovered HIV originally thought to be exclusive to gay men and intravenous drug users
Reagan + Conservatism denied funding to AIDS research
Early 1990’s more research for AIDS slightly less stigma not the death sentence it was in the early 80’s
January 28, 1986
Challenger Explosion -killed seven crew members -televised
Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924 Quota system 3% then 2% of a country’s existing pop in America could come per year no Asian immigration
Bracero Program WWII Mexican immigrants invited to US
Immigration Law of 1965 abolished quotas “family reunion clause” focus on skilled workers/education most went to CA/TX/FL/NJ/IL/NY come from Asia/Latin America as opposed to Europe debates about immigration amnesty law
American Indians 1988: Indian Gaming Regulation Act casinos on reservations