Bellringer – Day 8 1)What is duration in music? 2)What is pitch in music? 3)What is your favorite color?
Learning Targets I can identify notes and rests. I can notate notes and rests. I can recognize whether pitches are higher, lower, or the same.
Duration of Notes and Rests Whole Note Duration of 4 counts
Duration of Notes and Rests Duration of 2 Counts
Duration of Notes and Rests Duration of 1 Count
Duration of Notes and Rests Duration of ½ Count
Activity In your journal draw the following: Whole note Half Note Quarter Note Eighth Note
Duration of Notes and Rests Duration 4 Counts 2 Counts 1 Count ½ Count ¼ Count
Activity Draw the following in your journal Sixteenth Note Whole rest Half rest Quarter rest Eighth rest Sixteenth rest
Pitch – Higher,Lower, or Same. *activity --- listen to each pair of notes. If the second pitch is higher, do a thumbs up. If the second pitch is lower, do a thumbs down. If the two pitches are the same, do a fist of fury.
Learning Targets I can identify notes and rests. I can notate notes and rests. I can recognize whether pitches are higher, lower, or the same.