Substitutes: Make Their Day
Goal To provide information about training and support of substitutes/guest teachers working in MYD schools. To provide an opportunity to answer questions and share ideas regarding substitutes and MYD
This is not an ad for Pepto Bismol Nausea Heartburn Indigestion Upset stomach Diarrhea These are reasons to call Sub Services.
Substitutes, Visiting Teachers, Guest Teachers However we refer to them…we need their help. How many of us have worked when we have been sick?
How many of us have subbed?
What is helpful? Provide a substitute folder. The folder would include information about school procedures. It would also include MYD reminders and information to implement the program in the classroom. It is important for a guest teacher to know that MYD schools may have different procedures, point values,etc. Sometimes an administrator or their designee will introduce the guest teacher to the class. You never know…..
From a Substitute’s Perspective I would like to… Accomplish as much of the lesson plan as possible Maintain timelines Remember to send students to their support classes Make it through the day Treat the students with dignity and respect
This is what to say and do….. “Hello, my name is________________. Let me tell you how you can make your day today. Ask the students if they know what Step 1 is. Ask them if they know who decides if they go. Ask them where the Step takes place. Ask them to demonstrate. (This may work better at the lower grades.)
Substitute training provides consistency.
The Invitation Larger districts send a letter to guest teachers inviting them to the training. When signing up at Sub Services, the guest teacher is informed that there will be a MYD training. If the school is small a phone call may work best. Some districts have made it a requirement in order to sub in that district.
Training In a larger district trainings may be held twice during the school year, at the beginning and right after the winter break. Plan for about an hour.
Consistency District Training School Teaches MYD to the participants in the purest form. Provides consistency at the building level taking into consideration the nuances that exist on the campus.
Schools handle things in different ways. Grade level assist Students go to a different class after Step one or two. Some veteran subs do Step 4 Conferences. Substitutes may not always address student to student Concerns. Point values may be different from school to school.
What if….? What if the guest teacher can’t handle the class and loses it?
Sub Chart It gives the guest teacher some direction about behaviors that are interfering and the appropriate Step. Sometimes the substitute needs to vent. Don’t we all?
The bottom line? Consistency