Data Dissemination and Communications - Trish Vidal, Manager Florida Center Update Data Dissemination and Communications - Trish Vidal, Manager FloridaHealthFinder Visits year to date: 1,156,876 Webinars completed by the Outreach Coordinator: 45 webinars for 838 attendees FloridaHealthPriceFinder Visits since website went live: 21,196 Pediatric Cardiology Technical Advisory Panel for Florida This Panel is charged with developing procedures and standards for measuring outcomes of pediatric cardiac catheterization and surgery programs; and to make recommendations to the Agency about regulatory guidelines to govern pediatric cardiac catheterization programs and pediatric open-heart surgery programs in the state Public Reporting & Transparency Subcommittee recently met on June 21, 2018 Both PCTAP and Subcommittee meetings are ongoing with meeting notices and other information available on the PCTAP website at:
Health Information Exchange - Heidi Fox, Manager Florida HIE Encounter Notification Service 95% of Acute Care Beds 55 subscribers receive alerts on over 6.8 million patients (10 new FQHCs) Seeking LTPAC connectivity Collaboration with the Department of Health Registry Reporting; syndromic surveillance coordination emPower and other Emergency Preparedness efforts PDMP changes outreach HIE Study deployment EHR Incentive Program Promoting Interoperability CMS Proposed Rulemaking Currently processing 2017 applications Business Analytics Team Emergency Response Visualization Tool Florida Health Care Expenditure Report Health Plan Member satisfaction survey analysis
Data Collection and Quality Assurance - Nancy Tamariz, Manager Risk Management and Patient Safety - Sean Massey, Manager AHCA annual reporting system went live on May 23, 2018 Over 400 reports have been successfully submitted Next phase of project will implement claims liability reporting for assisted living facilities Data Collection and Quality Assurance - Nancy Tamariz, Manager Certification closing date for Q4 2017 was May 31 The last delinquent certification received 6/19/2018 A total of 5 fines were issued: - 1 hospital – Inpatient and ASED 3 ASC’s Data submitted for the Q1 2018 reporting period will contain 2 new elements (Rules 59B-9 and 59E-7, adopted in 2017): Inpatient Comprehensive Rehab revenue element ED Service Location element to identify services performed at each off-site ED location Discharge Data Collection and Modernization Planning Presentation by Tammy Young, iSF