PRoBE Presentation 1st Grade Self-Control Group Missouri State University In Partial Fulfillment for School Counselor Internship COU 781 Jamie Stokes Fall 2009 Dr. Marci Dowdy, Faculty
SIMS Students, Interventions, Measurements, Settings Students – 1st Grade students with 2 or more discipline referrals in the first 10 weeks of school Interventions – Counselor met weekly with each student in a small group for 6 weeks. Counselor also met with each students teacher to discuss possible classroom interventions Measurements – Discipline referrals were compared Setting – Counselor met with the students in a classroom at Conway Elementary
Purpose of Interventions This intervention was used for the purpose of teaching students how to better control themselves in the classroom so that their discipline referrals would be reduced. Behavioral interventions were learned and implemented into the classroom setting.
Students Selected Four 1st Grade Students 4 Boys All recommended by Teachers and Principal due to excessive office visits
Pre-Group Preparation Interviews held with each student Invitation letters with permission slips sent home 6 letters sent home 2 letters sent home with perspective peer leaders 1 students’ parent declined Total of 5 group members
Goals of Small Group Learn how to control thoughts and actions Attain better listening skills Stay on task for longer periods of time Accept Consequences Know when to ask for help Decrease discipline referrals
Small Group Schedule Group began September 10, 2009 Met for 6 weeks 2:30pm-3:00pm All 4 students were present for each session
Group Topics Session 1: Respect for self and others Session 2: Learn what a good listener looks like Session 3: Focusing on a Task Session 4: Consequences are based on your actions Session 5: Control of thoughts and actions Session 6: Persevering toward a goal
Discipline Referrals
Graph Summary B.R.- wanted to dominate group, very hyper, also met with individually. Change: very minimal although referrals went down D.S.- stayed off-task often, went along with B.R. in disruptions during group. Change: slight T.S.- wanted the approval of the counselor. Change: considerable difference in the classroom D.R.- constantly reminded other students in the group of the rules. Change: inconsistent from day to day but better overall
Student Feedback Form Put a circle around the face that shows how you feel about what you learned in the group Overall, I enjoyed working in the group I enjoyed working with other students in the group I enjoyed working with the counselor in the group I learned new skills and am using the skills in school If other students ask me if they should participate in a similar group, I would recommend that they “give-it-a-try 3 = I agree 2 = I’m not sure 1 = I disagree
Student Feedback Form B.R. Question 1: I agree Question 2: I agree Question 3: I agree Question 4: I agree Question 5: I agree
Student Feedback Form D.S. Question 1: I agree Question 2: I agree Question 3: I agree, I’m not sure, I disagree Question 4: I agree Question 5: I agree
Student Feedback Form T.S. Question 1: I agree Question 2: I agree Question 3: I agree Question 4: I agree Question 5: I agree
Student Feedback Form D.R. Question 1: I disagree Question 2: I disagree Question 3: I disagree Question 4: I’m not sure Question 5: I disagree
Student Feedback Form
Summary All four students had less office referrals this year compared to last year Meeting with principal to implement a mentor program through the Character Kids Club to work with students who have a high number of discipline referrals 1st grade teachers implemented behavior techniques learned from the counselor into their classroom
Recommendations Have more contact with the parents to discuss possible interventions at home Meet with each of the students individually to reinforce behavior techniques learned in small group More student/teacher conferencing Have older students be the peer leaders