Shelby Dyer 2nd Hour Mr. Frederick Feb. 14th, 2012 The Addams Family
Gomez Addams : the head of the household, as long as its okay with Mortica. Loves sword fighting, blowing up his trains, and all forms of competition. Gomez has the heart of a 20 year old track star. Mama performed the surgery herself
Morticia Addams : Gomez' beautiful wife. Especially enjoys any sort of activity with Gomez, and almost always beats him at whatever they do. interior decorating, painting, and playwriting, but can be totally a flop at others such as sculpting and coming up with an initial idea. Requires a smoke now and then - no cigarettes necessary. She has tried to quit, and says she will once she gets her cough back.
Wednesday Addams Wednesday was said to have been named after the phrase, "Wednesday's child is full of woe," from the poem Monday's Child. Her middle name, Friday. trying to physically harm, or possibly murder, her brother.
Pugsley Addams : largely oblivious of the harm his sister tried to inflict on him, or an enthusiastic supporter of it, viewing all attempts as fun and games.
Fester Addams & Eudora Addams Gomez’ brother. Bold and thought of as a little stupid…. Gets along with the children well. Eudora is the grandmother. She is also a witch with very fried wiry hair.
Lurch is a giant. He is the doorman and butler. Thing is a disembodied hand. Thought of as a “pet” of some sort. Lurch is a giant. He is the doorman and butler.
The Addams Family Structure The Addams are a satirical inversion of the ideal American family. An eccentric, wealthy clan who delight in the macabre and are unaware that people find them bizarre or frightening. The family appears to be a single surviving branch of the Addams clan. The family, of course may have conflicts here and there but the always seem to work through them.
Extended Family The Addams family is an extended family. This means the family as a unit embracing parents and children together with grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and sometimes more distant relatives. the extended family comes to live either with or in place of a member of the nuclear family.
Bilateral Family Bilateral Family: a system of family lineage in which the relatives on the mother's side and father's side are equally important for emotional ties or for transfer of property or wealth. It is a family arrangement where descent and inheritance are passed equally through both parents.[1] Families who use this system trace descent through both parents simultaneously and recognize multiple ancestors, but unlike with cognate descent it is not used to form descent groups.[2]
The Addams family is a Bilateral family
Equalitarian Family Equalitarian Family: a trend of thought that favors equality of some sort among living entities. Egalitarian doctrines tend to maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status.[1] The Addams family is equalitarian because both parents run the “house”.
The Addams family is an Equalitarian Family
Neolocal Family A neolocal family is a kinship arrangement in which married couples start new households. The Addams family is Neolocal because they have their own family house, the didn’t move to where the father was from or where the mother was from.
Similarities This family is similar to a typical American family because their family is extended, as is most American families.
Different from Other Families The Addams family is different from other families because the family practices witch craft, the have a bodiless hand as a “pet”, a mother who is a witch and cousins that are made of nothing but hair.
http://www. bing. com/tv/overview 75799A2E0C2945&qpvt=the+adams+family+&FORM=ENTCOL