Sioux Aahil Marcus 2B
Location They live in North Dakota. some live on grassy planes They live in the mid north.
Homes They live in a teepee. It is made out of some kind of quilt. There homes are made out of cowhide.
Clothing The women wore dresses made from deer skin and Rabbit skin. There clothes are yellow, red, black, white, and blue. There clothes are made out of string.
Food They eat meat and vegetables. They hunt and plant crops. Sometimes they have to hunt. Sometimes they have to plant crops to get food.
Roles of Men and Women The men were protectors of there homes. The women cooked and put children to sleep.
Trades and Art Women were known for there quiltwork and beadwork. Women also did weaving. They did not trade with other tribes.
Interesting Information Starquilts where patchwork quilts.