Future multi-beneficiary IPA programmes MGSC 19-20 March 2015 Point 3.1 of the Agenda Roxana Manuela Enciu and Rima Gerdziunaite Unit A3
Contents MBP IPA 2014 Programme Beyond MBP IPA 2014 Programme
MBP IPA 2014 Programme Rima Gerdziunaite, Unit A3, Eurostat MGSC, March 2015
Focus of future MBP IPA programmes IPA II for the period 2014-2020 Future MBP IPA programmes will have to be designed by Eurostat with better result-oriented projects The focus on measuring of results Pre-defined, clear, transparent, country specific and measurable indicators
IPA II (2014-2020) EU Multi-annual Financial Framework for 2014-2020 IPA II Regulation (EU) 231/2014 adopted in March 2014 Support to statistics in 7 countries will continue Strategy for statistical cooperation with the enlargement countries 2014-2020 as basis for programming
MBP IPA 2014 programme for statistics Two-side approach – pilot projects proposed by Eurostat production units and by enlargement countries Eurostat production units proposed pilot projects to be supported Coordination meeting with enlargement countries on 28/02/2014 for discussing on their proposals for pilot projects On the basis of Eurostat's and countries' proposals, a consolidated list of projects was prepared The Action Document prepared in May 2014 and adopted in 4th quarter of 2014 MBP IPA 2014 funding for statistics is of 8M€ The contracting procedure started in the 4th quarter 2014 Tentative start of IPA 2014 implementation - autumn 2015
Beyond MBP IPA 2014 Programme Roxana Manuela Enciu, Unit A3, Eurostat MGSC, March 2015
MBP IPA 2015 Significant total amount – 16M€ Similar approach to the design of MBP IPA 2014 Coordination meeting with enlargement countries on 15/12/2014 - consolidated list of pilot projects and ad-hoc projects Action fiche submitted to DG NEAR; expected Commission Decision mid-2015 End of operational implementation period – 31.12.2020 PGSC, Antalya Oct 2014
Challenges in designing future MBP IPA programmes Right balance between needs expressed by future beneficiaries and those seen by Eurostat Preserving the regional dimension of the programmes Prioritisation of pilot projects proposed Priorities related to topical EU initiatives/policies Realistic assessment of absorption capacity of countries Ensuring coordination with national IPA programmes and with other donor's assistance programmes Sensible determination of distribution of amounts between direct grants and service contract
Early Indicative Planning of Future MBP IPA programmes Scenario I – two big programmes: MBP IPA 2017 – of 16M€ MBP IPA 2019 – of 16M€ Scenario 2 – one big programme and two small ones: MBP IPA 2019 – 8M€ MBP IPA 2020 - 8M€ Implementation of MBP IPA 2015 – early test & indication of viability of big programmes
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