Evaluating Community-Based Learning In the Classroom CPS and JCCTL April 10, 2015
Agenda Overview of CBL at Gettysburg Review CBL evaluations in aggregate If you would like your class-specific results, send me an email Discuss possible workshop ideas for next year Evaluation survey revisions
Overview of CBL at Gettysburg Evolving Models service-learning to community-based learning volunteer engagement to community change Carnegie Foundation Community Engagement Classification 2006 & 2015: A Self-Study Strong basis for community partnerships Strong basis for co-curricular community-based engagement Faculty engagement is relatively strong Key issues need progress Community-based learning and research in promotion and tenure Shared assessment with partners re: community impact Course learning outcomes and CBL/R
Survey Respondents Total respondents: 257 122 first year students 46 sophomores 22 juniors 66 seniors
Positive Experiences Overall my community-based learning (CBL) experiences in this course were positive. Mostly Yes: 92% Mixed: 6.7% Mostly No: 1.2% Interactions with community members were positive. Mostly Yes: 94.6% Mixed: 5.4% Mostly No: 0%
Expectations, Course Integration, and Reflection CBL tasks and/or expectations were clear. Mostly Yes: 78.2% Mixed: 20.6% Mostly No: 1.2% CBL activities were integrated into course content. Mostly Yes: 63.4% Mixed: 27.2% Mostly No: 8.2% Did the course involve a personal reflection activity (e.g., reflective paper, meeting with instructor, journal-keeping)? Yes: 95.3% No: 4.7% Expectations– everyone should be able to work on this Integration into the course content– may vary by class and what the professor intends
My participation in this CBL experience: Not at all Minimally Moderately Extensively a. Enhanced my understanding of local/community issues 2.7 16.7 16.3 34.2 b. Enhanced my understanding of social issues 5.1 19.9 42.6 32.4 c. Deepened my understanding of others 9.4 43.8 46.9
My participation in this CBL experience: Not at all Minimally Moderately Extensively d. Helped me empathize with those from racial, economic, or religious backgrounds different from my own 2.7 13.3 33.2 50.8 e. Enhanced the likelihood that I will volunteer or participate in the community after this course 0.8 12.8 43.2 f. Enhanced my ability to think critically about complex issues 27.0 44.1 16.2
My participation in this CBL experience: Not at all Minimally Moderately Extensively g. Improved my problem solving skills 5.4 31.5 35.4 27.6 h. Improved my ability to listen to others 0.8 15.3 41.6 42.4 i. Enhanced my ability to communicate in a “real world” setting 16.1 40.0 43.1
My participation in this CBL experience: Not at all Minimally Moderately Extensively j. Deepened my understanding of myself 5.5 28.2 46.3 20.0 k. Made me more aware of my own biases and prejudices 9.4 29.3 36.7 24.6 l. Helped me to better understand the material in this course 10.5 28.0 37.4 24.1
My participation in this CBL experience: Not at all Minimally Moderately Extensively m. Strengthened my relationships with my peers or faculty member 5.5 24.7 43.5 26.3 n. Enhanced my learning in this course 5.9 23.4 39.8 30.9 o. Improved my interest in college 11.7 24.6 38.7 25.0
My participation in this CBL experience: Not at all Minimally Moderately Extensively p. Clarified my career path 24.5 33.9 27.6 14.0 q. Benefited the community 0.4 6.3 42.6 50.8
CBL & FYS (4) Improved interest in college 94% of FYS students reported that participation in the CBL experience moderately or extensively improved their interest in college
Workshop ideas for next year Class Preparation and Logistics Making expectations clear Integrating CBL with course content Helping students make connections Designing assignments IRB and informed consent Gettysburg College examples When in the year would these discussions be most helpful?
Assessment What additional information would be helpful to collect?