About today…from challenge to change Effective Assessment in a Digital Age The Bristol Hotel, Bristol 3rd March 2011 Sarah Davies Sarah Knight Mark Russell Ros Smith #JISCASSESS
Who we are Dr Mark Russell, Deputy Director, Blended Learning Unit, University of Hertfordshire &Project Director of JISC ESCAPE project Sarah Davies, JISC e-Learning Programme Manager with responsibility for technology enhanced assessment & feedback Ros Smith, Co-author and editor of Effective Assessment in a Digital Age and author of the JISC Effective Practice series Sarah Knight, JISC e-Learning Programme Manager with responsibility for curriculum design programme and digital literacies
Assessment and feedback in a digital age ‘Effective assessment and feedback can be defined as practice that equips learners to demonstrate skills and understanding in the complex disciplinary fields of their choice, and to progress with confidence and skill as lifelong learners, without adding to the burden on academic staff.’ The potential technology offers for the achievement of these aims, although still under-utilised, is considerable.’
Aims for today – what we will cover Establish principles of effective assessment and feedback; explore the fundamental relationship between assessment and learning Illustrate intervention points where technology can support the enhancement of assessment and feedback practices Explore how (and how not to) implement technology-based enhancement: through an institutional case study Ask in what ways technology can help you rethink your curriculum design in relation to assessment and feedback Share delegates’ experiences and current practice in assessment and feedback Provide opportunities to plan the future direction of your own practice Repurpose and re-use resources: make use of Effective Assessment in a Digital age publication and supporting online materials, and the workshop materials available on the Design Studio
Aims for today Today is about having conversations about the role of technology in addressing the challenges of assessment and feedback We will be sharing a wide range of resources for you to re-use, adapt and customise to suit your own context For ‘hands on’ opportunities to try out all the different technologies discussed today Our services for example, Netskills offer training opportunities on e-assessment tools, e-portfolios, podcasting etc - www.netskills.ac.uk JISC infoNet have excellent resources on change management - www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/change-management We may not solve your challenges today, but we hope to offer ideas and resources which will enable conversations to continue within your department, faculty, college or institution
Essential information Delegate packs Effective Assessment in a Digital Age From challenge to change postcards ESCAPE resources Personal reflection and planning form All materials are available from http://bit.ly/jiscassess Free wireless is available – Twitter tag - #JISCASSESS
The Design Studio - http://bit.ly/jiscassess
We have lots of ideas to share with you
We want you to repurpose and reuse
So please be active! Source: JISC Curriculum Delivery programme meeting, Nov 08
And give us lots of feedback Source: Sharing the LOAD project workshops
Session 1:What are our strengths? Where are our challenges? #JISCASSESS
Assessment and feedback: strengths and challenges Working in pairs or threes: Discuss aspects of your assessment and feedback practice which you feel work well at the moment – what have you done that you feel is good or effective? Note a couple down on the green post-its and stick them on the A4 sheet of paper in the centre of your table. Then think about your ongoing challenges: what areas remain uppermost in your mind as challenges relating to assessment and feedback? Discuss these, and then note them down on the pink post-its and stick them on the sheet of paper Have a look at what other people on your table have suggested. Are any common strengths or challenges emerging?
Feedback Common strengths Common challenges