Duke University and NBER Why Me? Campbell R. Harvey Duke University and NBER January 19, 2018
Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Why me? Cryptofinance Campbell R. Harvey, (2014) http://ssrn.com/abstract=2438299 Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Maximum enrolled for one section Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Restricted to second year MBAs Second, then third section added Maximum enrolled for one section Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Price at enrollment Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Main Deliverable (group project: 51%) Majority of the grade is determined by the quality of a maximum 15 slide pitch for a new business that has a link to blockchain technology. Student presentations on last day of the course. Urgent to start work immediately Team builder is available. Maximum group size is 4 (a few exceptions for law students whom I will place in groups). Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Other Deliverables Pre-Assignment (individual) Briefly explain a blockchain company of your choice (group: 10%) Python cipher program (individual 4%) Python hashing program (individual: 4%) Critique of blockchain training video (individual: 12%) Smart contract on Ethereum blockchain (individual: 19%) Campbell R. Harvey 2018
History Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Great Wall Street Journal Bitcoin Debate WSJ decides to conduct a debate. I am chosen as “Pro” bitcoin. My essay is due February 14, 2015. I ask students to provide comments on my essay. Reverse of the usual teaching situation. Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Financial Times February 16, 2015 Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Money Magazine February 24, 2015 January 5, 2017 Campbell R. Harvey 2018
January 13, 2017 Campbell R. Harvey 2018
Campbell R. Harvey 2018
December 18, 2017 Campbell R. Harvey 2018
The follower Campbell R. Harvey 2018