Chapter One: An Introduction to Writing ML #3 Chapter One: An Introduction to Point and Support To think and write clearly, you must understand the difference between point and support. See page 1 in textbook.
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT A point is an idea or an opinion. In advanced papers, we call it a thesis. Every essay you write should clearly convey the point, and support it well. See page 1 in textbook.
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT Support is the evidence that backs up an opinion. See page 1 in textbook. It is the specific examples, reasons, facts, or other details that prove the point. Your point doesn’t matter to the reader unless you back it up with evidence.
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT Peanuts: © United Feature Syndicate, Inc. See page 1 in textbook. Snoopy’s point: Dogs are superior to cats. His support: He offers no supporting evidence. The next slide explains these answers. • What is Snoopy’s point in his paper? • What is his support for his point?
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT Peanuts: © United Feature Syndicate, Inc. See page 1 in textbook. Explanation Snoopy’s point is that dogs are superior to cats. But he offers no support whatsoever to back up his point. His evidence (“They just are, and that’s all there is to it!”) is a lot of empty words.
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT To think and write effectively, you must provide real support for your points and opinions. See page 1 in textbook.
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT See page 2 in textbook. Point: School was not going well. Support: The specific list of low grades on the student’s grade report. The answers are shown on the next slide. • What is the point of this cartoon? • What is the support for the point?
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT See page 2 in textbook. • What is the point of this cartoon? • What is the support for the point? The point is that “School was not going well.” The support is the specific list of low grades on the student’s grade report.
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT See page 2 in textbook. Point: “I’ve had a horrible day and I’m completely stressed out.” Support: The dog’s specific list of reasons for feeling stressed out (lost ball, water dish warm, squeaker on toy broke). The answers are shown on the next slide. • What is the point of this cartoon? • What is the support for the point?
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT See page 2 in textbook. • What is the point of this cartoon? • What is the support for the point? “I’ve had a horrible day and I’m completely stressed out.” The support is the dog’s specific list of reasons for feeling stressed out (lost ball, warm water dish, broken squeaker).
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT See page 3 in textbook. Point: “Our marriage has problems.” Support: The wife’s list of specific differences between her and her husband: He likes to spend money while she likes to save it, he is a night person while she is a day person, and he likes sports while she hates them. The answers are shown on the next slide. • What is the point of this cartoon? • What is the support for the point?
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT See page 3 in textbook. • What is the point of this cartoon? • What is the support for the point? “Our marriage has problems.” The support is the three specific differences between the husband and wife.
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT See page 3 in textbook. Point: “It’s time for me to break up with Kenny.” Support: The speaker’s list of three specific reasons for breaking up: Kenny hasn’t spoken to her in weeks, he won’t return her calls, and she’s heard he is dating one of her friends. The answers are shown on the next slide. • What is the point of this cartoon? • What is the support for the point?
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT See page 3 in textbook. • What is the point of this cartoon? • What is the support for the point? “It’s time for me to break up with Kenny.” The support is the speaker’s list of three specific reasons she should break up with Kenny.
INTRODUCTION TO POINT AND SUPPORT Remember: Point = Idea or Opinion Support = Evidence See page 1 in textbook.