A Systemic View of Organizational Change and the Pivotal Role of HR Vickie Coleman Gallagher, PhD
Where do we start? Where are we going? A little about me Background My “ah ha” moments What do we hope to accomplish today? Think Systemically Importance of Empowerment Individual and organizational level Leads to autonomy, innovation & risk taking Factors to Solidify / Embed Strategy and Change Parting Thoughts!
A little about me… Background My “ah ha” moments PhD in OB (vs. MKT) Streams of Research – My Mental Model Power / political skill (EQ vs. IQ) / influence Workplace Stressors (Situation vs. Personality) Person / situation (“fit”) / culture / organizational factors (e.g., structure) Sustainability research Organizational change agents (passion / tenacity) HR outcomes (the missing “P”)
What do we hope to accomplish today? Think Systemically
Systemic Nature of Organizations Organizational outcomes: Productivity, turnover, absenteeism, creativity Employee Attitudes & Feelings (e.g., Feel “Engaged” or “Empowered”) Employee outcomes: Well-being, Productivity Success! Employee Individual Differences (e.g., personality) Intergroup processes (e.g., teamwork, collaboration, interactions) Organizational Design & Structure Employee Motivation & Drive Industry (Macro) Management / Leadership / Culture Micro Meso Macro
Leading Systemic Change The Organization Identify Need for Change Communicating & Target Marketing Diagnostics / Feedback Action Plans / Strategies / Techniques Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce
Sustainability? Diversity? Why Bother? Sustainability? Diversity? New Markets? Data driven (credible) Champion’s Political skill & Reputation EQ / Organizational awareness Boundary spanner / Change Agent Identify Need for Change Communicating & Target Marketing Diagnostics / Feedback Action Plans / Strategies / Techniques Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce
Where’s the Value? Connect to Vision & Strategy Identify Need for Change Communicating & Target Marketing Diagnostics / Feedback Action Plans / Strategies / Techniques Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce Connect to Vision & Strategy Persuade & Build Coalition Unique Messages / Agility ( Culture / industry / audience ) Understand Barriers (Individuals and Systems)
Connecting the Dots = Move the Needle Employee Surveys Action Research One-on-one’s Group discussions Opinion polls / tracking Observation (Artifacts) = Engagement (Key Stakeholders & “Boots on the Ground”) Causality: X ---> Y Identify Need for Change Communicating & Target Marketing Diagnostics / Feedback Action Plans / Strategies / Techniques Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce
Systemic Nature of Organizations Organizational outcomes: Productivity, turnover, absenteeism, creativity Employee Attitudes & Feelings (e.g., Feel “Engaged” or “Empowered”) Employee outcomes: Well-being, Productivity Success! Employee Individual Differences (e.g., personality) Intergroup processes (e.g., teamwork, collaboration, interactions) Organizational Design & Structure Employee Motivation & Drive Industry (Macro) Management / Leadership / Culture Micro Meso Macro
Now What? Goals & Targets People, process & technology Identify Need for Change Communicating & Target Marketing Diagnostics / Feedback Action Plans / Strategies / Techniques Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce Goals & Targets People, process & technology Interventions (individual, group, and organizational level)
Interventions Assessments, mentoring, team building, restructuring…etc. E.g., Empowerment What is power? Legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, referent Empower = To give away power (Micro) Recognizing the success of others Praise, encourage and express approval Involve others Coaching Provide feedback and support Pass along relevant information Illustrate what success looks like Highlight the importance of the work of others
The Empowerment Continuum (Macro) Mini-Enterprise Units Self-Directed Teams Responsible For Decision Process and Strategy High Cross-functional Teams Quality Circles Degree of Empowerment Make Decisions Participation Groups Suggestion Programs Participate In Decisions Job Redesign/ Enrichment Give Input Low Have no Decision Discretion Few Employee Skills Required Many and Complex An Experiential Approach to Organization Development 8th edition - Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Lost in Translation Culture Change Live it & Breathe it! Artifacts Signs / Symbols / Stories / Ceremonies Selection / Training Modeling Socialization / onboarding Perf. Reviews / Rewards / Recognition Identify Need for Change Communicating Sense of Urgency Diagnostics / Feedback Action Plans / Strategies / Techniques Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce
Creating a Learning Orientation - Individually Identify Need for Change Idea Generation Trial & Error Reflection & Learning Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce
Parting Thoughts! HR plays a vital role in Change Management Information is power – be data driven Increase your reputation & build coalitions Solidify your (new) culture through HR Onboarding, socialization, reward systems, etc. Employ systemic critical thinking Recognize the complexity of human behavior Recognize the complexity of organizations Appreciate cause effect relationships (DATA!) Remember the journey – not just the goal! Celebrate small wins – OFTEN! Appreciate the learning process and change The journey takes time! Be patient… 5 MIN
Vickie Coleman Gallagher V.C.Gallagher@csuohio.edu 216-687-4711 Thank you! Vickie Coleman Gallagher V.C.Gallagher@csuohio.edu 216-687-4711
Where are we VS. Where do I / we want to be? Strengths / Weaknesses Self-Assessments Performance Review Mentors = Communication Skills Risk Taking Empowering others Political Skill Identify Need for Change Idea Generation Trial & Error Reflection & Learning Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce
Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce What can I do? Identify Need for Change Idea Generation Trial & Error Reflection & Learning Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce Political Skill Social Influence Apparent Sincerity Interpersonal Influence Networking Ability Which of these are my strengths? Which do I need to work on? What are some steps I can take?
Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce What can I do? Identify Need for Change Idea Generation Trial & Error Reflection & Learning Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce What is “Power”? …what gives people power?
Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce What can I do? To “empower” = give away power: Recognizing the success of others Praise, encourage and express approval Involve others Coaching Provide feedback and support Pass along relevant information Illustrate what success looks like Highlight the importance of the work of others Describe the desired result, not the method to get there Identify Need for Change Idea Generation Trial & Error Reflection & Learning Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce
Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce What does it look like? Identify Need for Change Idea Generation Trial & Error Reflection & Learning Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce Practice Practice Networking Read about and practice Persuasion Seek Feedback / Adjust
What are the implications? Identify Need for Change Idea Generation Trial & Error Reflection & Learning Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce How do I know I’ve learned? Cause & Effect How does it make me feel? How do I make others feel? What are the implications of my actions? What can I do differently?
Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce Now what? Individually Practice! Mentors / books / articles / training Feedback Reward yourself! Organizationally Keep it Alive Rewards Selection / Training Norms / Culture Modeling / leadership Socialization Celebrate Wins! Identify Need for Change Idea Generation Trial & Error Reflection & Learning Monitor / Stabilize / Reinforce 1-2 MIN