P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18 Course Objectives: Ø Revised to be more reflective, level appropriate: § Year 2 objectives specified Ø Session objectives enriched** § And mapped to course objectives Ø Representation in Canvas: Ø Add: 2h case (plan: Obesity & Stigma) Ø Modest revisions to assignment structure
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18 Course Objectives: Ø Revised to be more reflective, level appr § Year 2 objectives specified Ø Session objectives enriched** § And mapped to course objectives Ø Representation in Canvas: Ø Add: 2h case (plan: Obesity & Stigma) Ø Modest revisions to assignment structure opriate:
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18 Course Objectives: Ø Revised to be more reflective, level appr § Year 2 objectives specified Ø Session objectives enriched** § And mapped to course objectives Ø Representation in Canvas: Ø Add: 2h case (plan: Obesity & Stigma) Ø Modest revisions to assignment structure opriate:
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18: Year 1 1. Course as a whole § Map and fit components clearly together as a whole, conceptually & logistically § Motivation, starting with Introductory session, more clearly related to recognizable priorities – preparing students to practice 21st century medicine, valued skill sets and milestones, for USMLE, to prepare for / shine in residency § Raise expectations, relevance of assessments, and connection to content § Adjust balance & integration across modules and other core components § Revise course and session objectives, and mapping
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18: Year 1 2. Fall Term (Medicine in Context) – content resonated but ‘extra’, ‘light’ § Raise expectations – new summative assessment (final exam); 3 / 6 sessions required; pre-‐class preparation bar raised modestly § Enriched content & depth – additional session, added time / depth of coverage § Built/reinforced connections – across fall sessions (connecting theme), require integration by students; connect to Winter & Spring (future: other courses) § Improve early ID / incorporation of student expertise / experience § Logistics – avoid solely Tuesday 8:00 am class sessions
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18: Year 1 3. Winter Term (Systems & Improvement) – in need of most work § Last year’s attempt to integrate Systems/Improvement and Leadership, and to teach concepts using real world non-‐clinical projects, unsuccessful § Major revisions: new leadership (Co-‐Director Joel Bradley, MD), new approach interactive, team-‐based set improvement case, new application: clinical case § Retain well received small group facilitator structure, now emphasizing QI experience and clarified goals expectations; retain assessment = presentation § Pilot integration with basic science contemporaneous course content (Immunology)
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18: Year 1 4. Spring Term (Data & Integration) – build on well received module § Raise expectations – Pilot condensed 1h lecture sessions à online only, w/ workshops v. practical review (for w/ subpar readiness assessment scores) § Small group session options, structure, leadership were very well received – any adjustments in order to raise the bar require careful consideration § Build connections (Data) – to increasingly reflect fall & winter term content § Integrative project: Use feedback to enrich / clarify goals (MaD), which now won’t compete with winter term project, but will build on similar structure
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18: Year 2 1. Overall: Ø What will stay the same: Ø Overall course structure Ø Assessment methodology Ø What will change: Ø Modest hour expansion (8 à 13) v Case Series addition (2h) v Term V Session addition (2h) v Biomedical Libraries workshop (1h, floating) Ø Course & session objective clarification and remapping Ø Modest revisions to IPE session conduct Ø Revisions to Case Series assignments Ø Introduction of structured intra-‐team evaluation
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18: Year 2 2. Case Series: Ø What will stay the same: Ø Objectives, structure, content of component Ø Each session = the opportunity to apply course competencies to specific topics (cases) in pop health, healthcare, and medicine Ø Also incorporating teamwork, oral presentation, writing Ø What will change: Ø Add: 2h case (plan: Obesity & Stigma) Ø Modest revisions to assignment structure § Individual – Improved structure, increased topical flexibility, greater connection to Year 1 foundations, clarified instructions § Clearer & more focused team charge – oral and written Ø Addition of required standardized biomedical librarian workshop Ø Enrich Participation & Professionalism assessment via peer evaluation
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18: Year 2 3. Other course elements Ø What will stay the same: Ø IPE Patient Safety Session (modest specific content revisions) Ø Canvas interface Ø Faculty, staff § (W/increased cross-‐year faculty collaboration) Ø What will change: Ø Additional Term V session (in development) Ø Future: Ø Target student teaching opportunities w/in 1-‐2y Ø ID opportunities for Epi/Bio enrichment (e.g. USMLE prep), and other content areas
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18 Thank you. Questions ?
P&P Action Plan for 2017-‐18 # Course Objectives (using P&P Year 1 course 24-‐objective numbering system) Explain the role and use of statistics in addressing questions in health and medicine. Explain the findings of a research study reported in the medical or health care literature. Apply the findings of a research study to a clinical scenario. Session Case Series Case Series Case Series Identify and compare strategies for the care of a population or community, or subgroups within it, based on your interpretation of patterns of disease and health care. Explain the impact of social, behavioral, environmental, economic, cultural and personal factors on the health of individuals and populations. Illustrate the relationships between the health care system and other societal systems and entities that impact population health. 11 Discuss the context (financial, political, ethical, e.g.) in which medicine is practiced in the United States, and how it influences health care delivery. 14 Analyze leadership challenges at the personal and health care (clinical, educational, research, policy, or community service) team level. 18 Analyze, measure, and perform tests of change to demonstrate measurable improvement. Case Series Case Series Case Series Case Series Case Series IPE 19 Demonstrate appropriate behaviors while working effectively in inter-‐professional teams. IPE 20 Apply core patient safety concepts while recognizing the physician's role in monitoring and creating safe systems of care. IPE 21 Practice clear and concise communication with individuals or larger audiences, using writing, speech or visual elements. All 22 Demonstrate active, perceptive, and respectful listening. All 23 Formulate effective communication to articulate vision, develop relationships, and effect change. All 24 Evaluate a real world problem by effectively organizing, prioritizing, and synthesizing information into a plan for action. Case series