ROALD DAHL READING CORE KNOWLEDGE Exam Question Requirements SKILLS Comprehension: Ability to select short, phrases or words that give exact responses to the question. Bullet point style answers, which are concise and to the point. Analysis Points: Link to the question Link to the terminology (Lang/Structure – evaluating choice) Short Quote(s) Explain meaning and effect – both obvious and hidden (explicit and implicit) Zoom in on words/explore connotations and effect Suggest what other readers might think/feel (offering an alternative opinion) Link to the writer’s intentions (step out from the close analysis to give an overview of meaning) Explore a linking quote/supporting idea Evaluation Points Evaluation Points: Give a quote which links to your idea Explain briefly what the quote means Explain your own opinion in relation to the question Explain what other reader suggest or predict what other readers might contradict your opinion or point with. Terminology Definition Explicit obvious or easy to select as the meaning Implicit inferred - it is suggested, but not actually said, the reader reads between the lines Effect cause (something) to happen; bring about: Tension state of mental or emotional strain or suspense in the story Impression an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone Evaluate form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess Evidence To use a quotation from a text (short and snappy is best) Vocabulary Macabre Disturbing because it is concerned with death. Sinister Evil and dangerous Psychopathic – Having a serious mental illness that leads to violent behaviour Stereotype An oversimplified idea of the typical characteristics of someone/something Subverting damage or weaken an established system Naive Lacking experience, wisdom or judgement Vulnerable Exposed to harm in some way Menace Associated with a sense of threat or danger Compulsion an irresistible urge to do something / forced to do something Tranquil Calm, free from disturbance Animalistic Displaying similar behaviour to that of an animal Exam Question Requirements A1 One question with five points Selecting evidence or own words, Bullet point list, No analysis A2 One Language Analysis question Link to question, Link to technique – language, Quotation – 4 – 5, Explore hidden & obvious meaning & Effect, Link to writer’s intentions A3 Link to question, Link to technique – language , Quotation – 7 – 8, Explore hidden & obvious meaning & Effect, Link to writer’s intentions A4 One Language/Structure Analysis question Link to question, Link to technique – language and structure/tension/drama, Quotations – 7 – 8, Explore hidden & obvious meaning & Effect, Link to writers’ intentions A5 One persuasive evaluation question Link to question, Give own opinion, Quotations – 7 – 8, Evaluate the writers’ viewpoint and own response to this