Text Structure
Description Similar to an outline Opens with main idea, then elaborates Example: A book may tell all about whales or describe what the geography is like in a particular region
Signal Words for example for instance specifically in particular in addition
Cause and Effect Reader is told the result of an event Or reader is told the reason (cause) it happened Example: Weather patterns could be described that explain why a big snowstorm occurred.
Signal Words consequently therefore as a result thereby leads to
Comparison/Contrast Example: This text tells differences or similarities of two or more objects, places, events, or ideas Example: A book about ancient Greece may explain how the Spartan women were different from the Athenian women.
Signal Words however unlike like by contrast yet in comparison although whereas similar to different from
Sequence/Time Order This text tells the order in which steps in a process or series of events occur. Examples: A book about the American revolution might list the events leading to the war. In another book, steps involved in harvesting blue crabs might be told.
Signal Words next first last second another then additionally
Identify the structure!! Some people get goose bumps from fear. Others get goose bumps when they are touched emotionally. Compare and Contrast
Goose bumps make me shiver. First I get cold. Then I shake all over. Sequence
Goose bumps make me shiver Goose bumps make me shiver. When the temperature drops below 45 degrees, my skin crinkles into goose bumps. Cause and Effect
Goose bumps make me shiver. I get little bumps on my skin Goose bumps make me shiver. I get little bumps on my skin. They look like sesame seeds. Description