Freshwater Futures Update Rangitāiki River Forum 21 March 2017
Regional Policy Statement Change 3 Freshwater Futures
Rangitāiki and Kaituna-Pongakawa-Waitahanui WMAs We are here
Objective setting process In-river values Preferred state Use values Draft Objectives Management options Draft plan change
Rangitāiki – Resource Management Issues Increasing demand while water is over-allocated Nitrogen increasing in upper catchment - land use intensification risk Nutrient enrichment and sediment in dam lakes, some spots not suitable for swimming Lower Rangitāiki River and lowlands heavily modified Indigenous fish and eels heavily impacted Simon says: “Please move slide on national stuff to the end with the other slide. I would like the focus on the other slides please on steps we’re taking.” Nitrogen increasing NOF A band in rivers but rising Eutrophic/Supertrophic TLI in HEP dam lakes Rate of rise – sources, lag times, groundwater interactions The Matahina and Aniwaniwa HEP Dam Lakes are “human made” receiving water bodies in the Rangitāiki River. Nutrient enrichment, algal/macrophyte growth and sedimentation is having an effect on dam operations, ecological health and recreational values. Increasing demand while water is over-allocated land use intensification/change in land use in the mid-upper catchment surface and ground water is fully allocated above the Matahina Dam flow regime heavily dependent on hydro-electricity operations potential effect on saline wedge in the Rangitāiki Plain Indigenous fish and eels heavily impacted by structural changes, loss of habitat, obstacles to passage, harvesting, water quality and changes to flow regime Nutrient enrichment and sediment in dam lakes Nitrogen increasing in upper catchment - land use intensification risk Some spots not suitable for swimming Lower Rangitāiki River and lowlands heavily modified for farming, flood protection and hydro-electricity operations
2. Water Management Areas NPS-FM Implementation 1. Region-wide change Effect change now to address immediate problems Water Quantity focus 2. Water Management Areas Community-based discussions Water quantity and quality Limits developed with tangata whenua & community Explain linkage / difference between the two Stages The Region-wide change plan change 9 the key points I’m thinking of communicating are: Plan change 9 is region wide and is a “hold the line and fix current operational issues” plan change Reinforces existing limits uniformly around the region, anticipating PC12 will take a more tailored sub region approach PC 9 was notified in Oct 2016 and submissions have now closed Key topics are Anticipates development of subsequent plan changes in WMA’s Reinforce/set limits to allocation of water Acknowledge need to phase out over allocation once WMA limits set and avoid creating new over allocation Enhanced efficiency and metering requirements Enhanced transfer provisions Fix existing unauthorised dairy shed takes Recognise importance of municipal takes Continue with provisions relating to HEP schemes, consistent with NPSREG Taking account of tangata whenua values, matauranga Māori, iwi and hapū RMP Unauthorised taking especially by dairy farmers Reduction in groundwater PA volume for small properties Need to explore water storage and MAR where water shortage is a problem Publication of report “Assessment of water availability and estimates of current allocation levels report, October 2016” provides clarity to water users about opportunities In Rangitāiki this means Water above the HEP dams most of the year is fully allocated to existing users, but some room for sharing out of season water for irrigators Some dairy farmers need to get resource consent for existing unauthorised takes Most dairy farmers will need 2 water meters – for dairy shed use and for stock drinking water Plan change 12 will have limited scope above the dam from a quantity perspective because of the constraints existing allocations impose
Recent Changes – Clean Water NPS-FM Amendments Freshwater Fund $100M Stock Exclusion