AASHTO’s Vision for SCOTSEM (and a ten year retrospective) Tony Kane Director, Engineering and Technical Services AASHTO SCOTSEM Summer Meeting Irvine, California Aug 22, 2011
Overview Thanks to our partners: TRB-Stephan Parker DHS and TSA—Bill Arrington USDOT—Michael Lowder FHWA—Dan Ferezan; Steve Ernst; Kimberly Vasconez; Sheila Duwadi; Laurel Radow;etc. Ten Years since 9-11-01-and since the commitee first started
Critical Issues in Transportation The Federal Highway Trust Fund Net New Revenue for Transportation Future Federal Role in Transportation Meeting Future Capacity Needs for All Modes Multimodal Surface Transportation Reauth. in 2011 Energy Independence Debt reduction; balanced budget (Other participants: USDOT/FHWA, DHS/TSA, APTA, ITE)
Why Security & Emergency Management Matter Scale of US transportation network gives false sense of security Infrastructure straining to keep up with growing transportation needs Emergency situation in one location – whether caused by a terrorist attack, a man-made incident, or a natural disaster - may have dramatic ripple effect on safe and efficient travel and the economy across a wide region (Other participants: USDOT/FHWA, DHS/TSA, APTA, ITE)
History of SCOTSEM – Task Force on Transportation Security (2001-03) Chair: Henry Hungerbeeler, MoDOT Membership: 15 states: CA, DE, FL, GA, IL, MD, MN, MO, NM, NY, PA, TX, VA, WA & WI Some landmark achievements: Est. partnership with NCHRP 20-59 Research Program Guides for DOTs on vulnerability assessment & emergency response planning Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations for Bridge and Tunnel Security (Other participants: USDOT/FHWA, DHS/TSA, APTA, ITE)
History of SCOTSEM – Special Committee on Transportation Security (2004-08) Chair: D. Ekern, VDOT/V. Chair: J. Contestabile, MDOT 2004 - Initial Membership: CEO Chair/Vice Chair, 2 reps/AASHTO Region; reps from selected AASHTO committees (21 members) Strategic plan: Summer 2004 2006 - Expanded Membership: Up to 3 reps/state Updates to key AASHTO Guides, expanded research Membership includes a CEO chair, vice chair, two representatives from each AASHTO region, and one member each from Standing Committees on: Aviation, Highways, Public Transportation, Planning, Research, Rail Transportation, Water Transportation, SCOH Subcommittee on Highway Transport, SCOH Subcommittee on Maintenance, SCOH Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures, & SCOH Subcommittee on Systems Operation & Mgt
History of SCOTSEM – Special Committee on Transportation Security & Emergency Mgmt (2008 on) Chair: D. Ekern, VDOT; V-Chair: C. Runyon WVDOT Added ‘Emergency Management’ to name/mission New strategic plan: Summer 2010 4th Survey of DOTs needs completed in 2010 New Chair: B. Ness, Idaho (2011) Membership includes a CEO chair, vice chair, two representatives from each AASHTO region, and one member each from Standing Committees on: Aviation, Highways, Public Transportation, Planning, Research, Rail Transportation, Water Transportation, SCOH Subcommittee on Highway Transport, SCOH Subcommittee on Maintenance, SCOH Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures, & SCOH Subcommittee on Systems Operation & Mgt
AASHTO’s Vision “The voice for transportation and catalyst for organizational and technical excellence” (2009-13 Strategic Plan) (Other participants: USDOT/FHWA, DHS/TSA, APTA, ITE)
AASHTO SCOTSEM Vision and Mission A secure transportation system that assures the mobility and prosperity of all Americans through resiliency to threats from all hazards Mission Be the voice and leader…in developing an all-hazards approach to transportation security & emergency management among all modes…through partnerships…on security and emergency management advocacy, research program implementation, policy development, &training and awareness.
Goal 1. Advocate for Transportation’s Role: SCOTSEM Strategic Plan Goal 1. Advocate for Transportation’s Role: . Goal 2. Assure a Program of Research & Development: Goal 3. Shape Policy, Legislation, Funding, Regulation: . Goal 4. Advance State-of-the-Practice & Awareness: .
Key NCHRP/AASHTO Research Products Blast Resistant Highway Bridges: Design and Detailing Guidelines 2011 Costing Asset Protection: An All Hazards Guide for Transportation Agencies 2009 Security 101: A Physical Security Primer for Transportation Agencies 2009 Guide to Emergency Response Planning at State Transportation Agencies 2011 Continuity of Operations Planning Guidelines for Transportation Agencies 2005
Bottom Line/Next Steps Top SCOTSEM Priorities for AASHTO: Expand states’ participation in SCOTSEM/build support among other AASHTO committees Make plans to ballot 3 ‘fundamentals’ guides (Emergency Response Guide, Blast Resistant Bridges, Security ‘101’) Encourage more peer-to-peer exchange Reinvigorate partnerships with DHS/TSA and FEMA Continue to support new research via 20-59 Promote key NCHRP research results via case studies, conferences, training, website, ref materials, etc.
Bottom Line—need to stay vigilant and ready!!! AASHTO follow-up Tony Kane akane@aashto.org Lacy Love llove@aashto.org