LO: To tell the minutes past the hour. Know that the minutes are in blocks of 5 on a clock. Know that some of the minutes have special names.
Most clocks only show the hours on the face Most clocks only show the hours on the face. This clock also shows the minutes as well. They go up to 60 because there are 60 minutes in an hour.
Clocks having two hands can be very confusing because there are two things going on at the same time. It is very simple to understand when you know what each part is telling you.
On this clock the minutes are shown in blue and the hours are shown in black. We will only be concentrating on the blue minute hand. Here the blue hand is pointing to 1. This tells us that it is 5 minutes past the hour.
Here is the same clock but with the black hour hand as well. The hour hand is pointing to 12. This tells us that it is 5 minutes past 12. Think of this as ‘blue past black’.
Think: How many minutes past is the blue hand pointing at? What time is the clock showing us now? Think: How many minutes past is the blue hand pointing at?
Think: How many minutes past is the blue hand pointing at? What time is the clock showing us now? Think: How many minutes past is the blue hand pointing at?
Think: How many minutes past is the blue hand pointing at? What time is the clock showing us now? Think: How many minutes past is the blue hand pointing at?
There are two numbers here which have special names There are two numbers here which have special names. The first one is for 15. Instead of saying ’15 past’ we say ‘quarter past’. This is because 15 is a quarter of 60. Remember that the clock face is like a pizza and is made up of quarters and halves.
The next number is 30. Instead of saying ’30 minutes past’ we call this ‘half past’. This is because the big hand is half way between one hour and the next. Just the same as having half a pizza.
What times do these clocks show? Plenary What times do these clocks show?