11/20/2018 Culverts Culverts are the same as bridges as far as locating cross sections 11/20/2018
Culvert Types in HEC-RAS 11/20/2018 11/20/2018
Cross Section Locations 11/20/2018
Typical Culvert Profile 11/20/2018
Culvert Flow Types 11/20/2018
Culverts Inlets and Outlets 11/20/2018
Culvert Inlets and Outlets 11/20/2018
Culvert Inlets and Outlets 11/20/2018
11/20/2018 Culvert Modeling Expansion and Contraction Coefficients at the 4 cross-sections for a culvert (example) Expansion Contraction Cross-Section 4 (furthest US) 0.5 0.3 Cross-Section 3 0.5 0.3 Cross-Section 2 0.5 0.3 Cross-Section 1(furthest DS) 0.3 0.1 Shows typical expansion and contraction coefficients at culverts versus normal cross sections. 11/20/2018
Ineffective Flow Areas 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) 11/20/2018 11/20/2018 Solution criteria has the options of selecting inlet or outlet control or letting the program compute both and select highest HW. Culvert ID is simply a name you give the culvert. 11/20/2018
Input Requirements for Culverts 11/20/2018 Culvert ID Solution criteria (inlet, outlet, or highest energy grade line) Shape (circular, box, arch, etc.) Dimensions (diameter, width, etc) FHWA chart # (pages 6-25,26 of hydraulic reference manual) FHWA scale (same table as chart #) Distance to upstream cross section Solution criteria has the options of selecting inlet or outlet control or letting the program compute both and select highest HW. Culvert ID is simply a name you give the culvert. 11/20/2018
Input Requirements for Culverts (Continued) 11/20/2018 Length Entrance loss coefficient (tables 6.3 and 6.4 of hydraulic reference manual) Exit loss coefficient (0.3 to 1) Manning’s ‘n’ value (tables 6.1 and 6.2 of hydraulic reference manual) U. S. And D.S. invert elevations Centerline stations in relation to U. S. And D. S. cross sections Exit loss coefficients are usually assumed to be 1 or close to 1. The higher the number the more loss there is. Table 6.1 of HRM gives Manning's 'n' values for culverts. 11/20/2018
Input Requirements for Culverts Roadway Data 11/20/2018 Input Requirements for Culverts Roadway Data Roadway width Distance to U.S. Cross section Weir coefficient Station - elevation points This distance to U.S. cross section is different than the one on the previous slide. This is distance to top of edge of roadway. 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) Select the Brdg/Culv button from the geometry data window: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) This brings up the Bridge Culvert Data window: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) From the options menu, select “Add a Bridge and/or Culvert”: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) This brings up a window asking for the river station of the bridge. It will locate the bridge numerically between cross-sections: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) This brings up a window with the adjacent upstream and downstream cross-sections plotted: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) Next, select the Deck/Roadway button from the Bridge data window: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) Notice the weir coefficient and max submergence window are showing the default values: 11/20/2018
Cross Section Locations 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) Enter the data for the required values. Note that the U.S. and D.S. sideslopes are for cosmetic purposes only unless using the WSPRO method for low flow. Also note the zeroes for the low chord: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) After selecting OK from the bridge deck window, it replots the U.S. and D.S. x-sections showing the filled in road section: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) After selecting OK from the bridge deck window, it replots the U.S. and D.S. x-sections showing the filled in road section: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) To enter the culvert data, first select the Culvert button: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) This brings up the Culvert Data Editor window: 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) Enter the data and select OK ... Table 6.3 or 6.4, HRM Table 6.1 or 6.2, HRM 11/20/2018
Adding the Culvert(s) The plot is then updated to show the culvert: 11/20/2018
11/20/2018 The End Culverts are the same as bridges as far as locating cross sections 11/20/2018