Using soft skills in non-formal education Understanding leadership
Leadership: Introduction Quotes Leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group objectives. (George R. Terry) Leadership is as the interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed, through the communication process, toward the attainment of a specialised goal – or goals. (Robert Tannebaum, Irving R. Weschler, and Fred Massarik) Leadership is influencing people to follow in the achievement of a common goal. (Harold Koontz and Cyril O’Donnell)
1. Tower building game
ACTIVITY 1: TOWER BUILDING GAME Make teams of minimum 4 persons: 2 managers 1 worker Other observer(s)
ACTIVITY 1 : TOWER BUILDING GAME The task: build the highest tower with your team Only the worker is allowed to build the tower The worker is blindfolded and works with non-dominant hand The two managers guide their worker The two managers decide on the height of the tower Their decision is decisive Time to build: 10 minutes Scores 10 points for each block / Task completed: bonus 20 points
2. Debriefing
ACTIVITY 2: DEBRIEFING Did you achieve the target? What happened during the exercise? How did the managers communicate with the worker? Was one manager more aggressive than the other? Was there any element of trust on one manager over the other? What happened when several constraints are imposed on the worker? Do you find similar experiences in your everyday work situation? What lessons can be drawn with regard to leadership processes from this experience? Remark: observers can intervene based on their observations
3. Various apects of leadership
The laissez-faire leader LEADERSHIP STYLES The democratic leader The laissez-faire leader The autocratic leader
LEADERSHIP SKILLS Technical skills Human skills Conceptual skills
LEADERSHIP ATTRIBUTES – 1 Acceptability Delegation Confidence: personal – interpersonal Creativity / conceptual skills Dependability and high integrity Empathy Effectively helpful Emotionally balanced Effective persuasiveness Exemplary
LEADERSHIP ATTRIBUTES – 2 Fair-minded Functional work High self-esteem Leadership and membership skills Motivated and motivator Open-mindedness Personally committed Sound decision making and judgement Responsible
Leadership Conclusion Leadership skills can be learned Leadership Conclusion Leadership skills can be learned. One's success as a leader calls for the blending of your personal capacities with sound leadership principles, continually applied.