Absolutism Monarchs had complete authority over the government and lives of the people in their nations.
Justification Divine Right Kings and Queens believed that their authority to rule came directly from God
Absolute Monarchs Spain – Philip II France – Loius XIV England – Elizabeth I Russia – Peter the Great Prussia – Frederick the Great Austria – Joseph II
Absolutism in England UNTIL … King and Queen didn’t claim TOTAL power (worked with parliament) ……… BALANCE UNTIL …
RESULT: THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR James I and Charles I began to rule with harsh policies Putting enemies in prisons with no trial or charge Imposing taxes Dissolving Parliament RESULT: THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR
English Civil War Cromwell’s the army captured the King (Charles I), put him on trial, and executed him England would NOT accept absolute power Charles II was invited to become King of England (the uncrowned heir) James II inherited the thrown but was unpopular as he was Catholic
Glorious Revolution Parliament restores the monarchy to the legitimate heir Mary and her Dutch husband William of Orange as they were Protestant Glorious Revolution as it was peaceful and bloodless
English Bill of Rights Parliament stronger than the king King must work with parliament King must give parliament control over the money Abolish excessive taxes and imprisonment Habeas Corpus No Catholics as Monarchs