Energetic Sensitivity and Weight Loss Melinda Jacobs, CCHt. Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Cellular Release Therapist Gabriel Method UCE Specialty Coach Spiritual Intuitive and Empath Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
Learning to Navigate the Energetic World “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” - Albert Einstein Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
What is an Energetic or Highly Sensitive Person? “The highly sensitive person has a sensitive nervous system, is aware of subtleties in his/her surroundings, and is more easily overwhelmed when in a highly stimulating environment.” Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. Author of ‘The Highly Sensitive Person: How To Thrive When The World Overwhelms You’ Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
You Might be Sensitive if You: are a human being feel other people use food, alcohol, drugs or isolation for comfort are a ‘people pleaser’ with no personal boundaries need to control others avoid crowds and/or conflict Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
What Causes Energetic Sensitivity? All organisms are hard-wired to stay safe and survive Healthy living Environmental extremes Meditation / Yoga Trauma Living in the energetic wash of another Near death experiences Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
How the Body Communicates Transmits Information Receives Information So why do we care? Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
We are All Interconnected! Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
What Changed? Rapid increase of population 1800 -1 billion 1900 - 1.7 billion 1960 - 3 billion 2015 - 7.3 billion We started to sync up emotionally 1920 - First radio news broadcast 1965 - Vietnam was the first ‘television war’ 1990 - Internet 2004 - Face Book 2006 - Twitter Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
How Does This Relate to My Weight? Stress effects the body on all levels Overwhelmed with energy More stress = more cortisol The body is hard-wired to stay safe If I don’t defend it – it will protect itself Jon’s x-ray Without tools to manage one’s sensitivity – then the only option is avoidance Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
How Do I Know if I’m Feeling Myself? Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
Making Energetic Distinctions Melinda’s Sanity Mantra: “I release anything that is not mine to feel.” Getting to know myself Communicating with the body’s higher wisdom Ask your body’s wisdom, “how would I feel different if I wasn’t feeling ________________________?” Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
Making Distinctions, Cont’d Bypass your mind and listen to your body What’s Different Changes can be subtle Topics can include: Loved ones / family members Community events Holidays / Anniversaries Current events Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
Creating Strong Energetic Boundaries The Neo Technique Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
Using Energetic Tools to Navigate Difficult Situations If it’s abusive - leave! Toes in vs. toes out Every situation is an opportunity Who or when does this remind me of? What am I making this mean about me? How do I do this myself? Observe their higher wisdom Hood Vents Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
Exercise Let’s practice the Neo Technique together! Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
Self Care for the Sensitive Person Know your limitations Too hungry or tired Energetically Hostile Environments Subject Matter Do your inner work – clear out trauma! Create a personal reset point Spend time in nature Meditate Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a 'hot mess' or having 'too many issues' are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.” ― Anthon St. Maarten Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics
Contact Information For Cellular Release Therapy www.SunriseHolisticNetwork.com For Personal Questions melinda@thegabrielmethod.com Evergreen, Colorado USA - 303-519-0477 Copyright 2015 Melinda V. Jacobs / Quantum Therapeutics