Pre-Revolutionary Mexico


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Presentation transcript:

Pre-Revolutionary Mexico 1821-1850’s marked by political instability Went from monarchy to republic to caudillo rule Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana (left) dominates politics prior to 1850 Church remains influential Owns almost 50% of all productive land in Mexico Nationalism grew after Mexican-American War

The U. S. and Texas considered the Rio Grande as the Southern border The U.S. and Texas considered the Rio Grande as the Southern border. For Mexico it was the Nueces Area in Dispute Nueces River 8.6 D  The students will explain the major issues and events of the Mexican War and their impact on the United States Rio Grande River

Pre-Revolutionary Mexico 1861-1872=Liberal mestizo Benito Juarez First Mexican ruler without a military background Instituted La Reforma=Focus on land redistribution to improve the condition of natives Confiscates church lands Inadvertently created HUGE Haciendas Most of Mexico’s peasants were landless by 1900 Creates a backlash from Mexican conservatives

Pre-Revolutionary Mexico 1876-1910=Conservative Leaders Porfirio Diaz Industrialized Mexico with foreign capital, resources and technology Only wealthy benefited Oppressed and exploited Indian and Mestizos Built railroads Improved banking system Focused on oil & mining

Pre-Revolutionary Mexico U.S. and European companies and government exerted political, economic, and cultural influence on Mexico Called Neo-Colonialism or Economic Imperialism Led to wealth leaving

Lead up to Revolution In order to develop industrialization Russian workers and peasants suffered: Worst working conditions & pay in industrialized world Little to no political and union rights Russia were humiliated when they lost to Japan in the Russo-Japanese War Weakened and delegitimized tsarist rule

Lead up to Revolution Bloody Sunday=Protesting workers killed by Tsar’s army Tsar also carried out frequent attacks against to Siberians and Jews as they were “non-Russians”

Lead up to Revolution Tsar attempted some reluctant reforms: Granted a constitution Legalized trade unions and political parties Permitted created national assembly (the Duma) Censorship eased Plans for universal primary education Workers went on strike and created their own representative councils called soviets to represent their interests Russia was devastated by their participation in WWI

Lead up to Revolution A soviet took over the capital of St. Petersburg and Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his thrown Liberals ran government for 8 months before being replaced by the more radical Bolsheviks Communist party