Anthropologist Ruth Benedict 1887 - 1948
The Landscape of Ethics Objectivism Subjectivism There is an objective standard There is no objective standard
Morality “Morality” a term for socially approved customs Relative to culture Moral Behavior: society categorizes as “normal”
Normalcy: Culturally Defined
Which is Benedict doing? Descriptive Prescriptive
Morality Descriptively: code of conduct put forward or accepted by a group or individual
Morality Normatively: prescribing a code of conduct
Cultural Relativism
Ethical Relativism
Dilemma God Society
Argument by Analogy
Analogy Language Morality What do we find in the case of language when we look at the world and different cultures?
Argument by Analogy Language/Morals 1. great numbers of possible phonic articulations 2. possibility of language depends upon a selection and standardization 3. selection is a non rational and subconscious process which goes on in groups for a long period of time and is historically conditioned by innumerable accidents of isolation or contact Morals 1. great numbers of possible behaviors 2. possibility of organized behavior depends upon a selection and standardization 3. selection a non rational and subconscious process which goes on in groups for a long period of time and is historically conditioned by innumerable accidents of isolation or contact
Possible Phonic Articulations
Possible Behaviors
Selection & Standardization good buono хороший bueno
Annie Oakley 1889 Historical Accident