List and define the 5 different aspects of culture. Warm Up 2/4/14 List and define the 5 different aspects of culture.
Technology - knowledge and tools people use for practical purposes. Norms – shared rules of conduct that tell people how to act. Symbols - picture/word/object used to describe something. Language - organization of spoken/written symbols into a standardized system. Values – shared beliefs about what is good/bad.
Cultural Universals Examples Needs that are so basic that all societies must develop. Examples Body adornment (clothing) Cooking Dancing Family Language Medicine Music Sports Toolmaking
Ethnocentrism The tendency to view one’s own culture and group as superior to other different cultures. Example Viewing American society as better than Kenya’s society because we have better technology.
Looking at how another society views it own dress and diet. Cultural Relativism -belief that a culture should be judged by its own standards rather than by those of another. Example Looking at how another society views it own dress and diet.
Subculture Groups in society that share values, norms, and behaviors that are not shared by the entire population. Examples -Age -Religion -Deviant
Consciously intended to challenge the values of larger society Counterculture Consciously intended to challenge the values of larger society Examples Organized Crime Hippies #YOLO Pant sagging
Create a Pamphlet describing both subculture and counterculture. Assignment Create a Pamphlet describing both subculture and counterculture. Pamphlet must include the following: Definition of both subculture and counterculture. 4 examples of each subculture and counterculture. 2 drawings of examples for each (4 total). Color. Well put together.