MARINE STRATEGY FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE (MSFD) COMMON IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Quick win 2: DATA NETWORK Developing Experience with working in a distributed network relevant to MSFD assessments Document: DIKE – TG2/2012/05 WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
SUPPORTING THE MSFD REPORTING National Data: EMODnet ready EMODnet metadata MSFD Needs Δ WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
SUPPORTING THE MSFD REPORTING Near future Capitalise on EMODnet investment Gain experience of data network Gain influence on development Harmonisation with INSPIRE Towards 2018 Ease burden of data sharing Speed of availability of data WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
EMODnet: MAKING DATA AVAILABLE EMODnet is contract based Timings are related to start of contract(s) Timespan EMODnet phase Themes MSFD Regions 2009-2012 ur-EMODnet Bathymetry (Hydrography) Geology Chemistry Biology Physical habitats All themes covered Greater North Sea and at least one other region 2010-2013 ur-EMODnet (+1) Physical parameters (physics) All regions 2013 for 3 years duration Phase 2 contracts Existing themes plus the addition of Human Activities Extend to all regions 2014 onwards EMODnet will be established with permanent funding, a Secretariat will be established and governance formalised. Future phases dependent on Commission Green paper WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
EMODnet: 3 SCENARIOS 1) MS that have institutes actively participating in EMODnet Chemistry Formats, Metadata and Data Relevant Institutes, Relevant Data Other reporting obligations WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
EMODnet: 3 SCENARIOS 2) MS that have had little, or no, participation in EMODnet Chemistry Formats, Metadata and Data Relevant Institutes, Relevant Data Other reporting obligations WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
EMODnet: 3 SCENARIOS 3) Participation through EMODnet biology (Chlorophyll data) Formats, Metadata and Data Relevant Institutes, Relevant Data Other reporting obligations WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
EMODnet Metadata collections MSFD Metadata Catalogue LINKING TO REPORTING (LABELLING) No changes to Metadata standards/records Use existing metadata references in EMODnet Linked (pointers) in reporting sheets/database Use MSFD metadata catalogue EMODnet Metadata collections MSFD Metadata Catalogue WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
SUPPORTING THE MSFD REPORTING COMMISSION/EEA INVITES DISCUSSION ON: MS support to this approach MS contribution to the further technical development MS technical feedback on working with the system WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES