Group 2: Austin Blake, Emily Hurst, Ethan Nunn, Jessica Mcneill
John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, founded Coca-Cola in 1886 John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, founded Coca-Cola in 1886. In the first year, Pemberton sold just 9 glasses of Coca-Cola a day and glasses sold for 5 cents each. Coca-Cola would grow exponentially to become one of the largest beverage producing companies in the world. Over the course of the past one hundred and twenty-five years, these numbers have skyrocketed to an astounding 1.7 billion bottles per day. One area in particular where this growth can be observed is in the company’s product and location expansion. Coca-Cola now has over 3,500 diverse products that can be purchased in over two hundred countries around the world.
Coca-cola competes in the beverage industry Coca-cola competes in the beverage industry. they are the number one seller of carbonated beverages, the number two seller of sports drinks (such as Powerade), and the third top seller in bottled water (Dasani). The company’s competitive strategy is mostly defined by the differentiation strategies it implements. Coke and Pepsi are two very similar products, but through advertisements and slight differences in the physical taste of the products, Coke has turned their products into a part of people’s lifestyle that makes consumers want to be associated with the brand identity Coca-Cola has developed. Coke also physically differentiates its beverages to match the taste of customers in different parts of the world.
Ed Steinike Vice President and Chief Information Officer Introduced key applications in : finance business planning consumer web services customer relationship management supply chain and innovation Coca-Cola’s CIO is Ed Steinike. He introduced a lot of key applications at the Company and has been there for the past 10 years. . He is responsible for the leadership of the Company's information technology strategy, services, and operations.
Coca-cola signed a multi-year partnership with SAP in 2004 in order to rollout their ERP system. Coca-Cola’s long term goal for their Information systems includes 15,000 users, 45 countries, 175 legal entities, and 18 languages. The program originally started with the integration of Finance, HR, and Supply Chain and would gradually include the rest of the operations, including bottlers, into this SAP system and utilize the NetWeaver capabilities. More recently in 2011, Coca-Cola’s partnership with SAP included the use of a new data-analysis program called HANA. HANA is a High Performance Analytical Appliance software that stores reams of the records in the computer’s memory but can speed up data analysis by a factor of 20. Coca-cola is utilizing this software in order to analyze their sales and profitability data. Coca-Cola built their information system around SAP’s ERP, CRM and NetWeaver integration middleware to enable mobile connectivity. With the ability to have mobile connectivity, they can utilize Apple iads, smartphones, etc, to receive data.
As a major corporation, Coca-cola has is also has a large web presence As a major corporation, Coca-cola has is also has a large web presence. The company can be found on all of the major social networking sites, namely Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. With such a web presence they are able to get feedback and interact with some of their most loyal customers and also market their brand.
Inconsistency of reporting Delay in performance scores Time consuming to produce reports analyzing sales and profitability data Inability to utilize all available space in trucks Difficulty extracting meaningful information on company-wide business information With being such a large company Coca Cola is faced with the challenge of making sure every piece of its “puzzle” fits together and operates as one. Some of the main problems that the company faced was an inconsistency of reporting. Between the plants, bottlers, warehouses, and customers, it was easy for the reporting that had to be done for different product lines to not match up and stay consistent. They also faced a delay in performance scores but with their SAP solution they will be able to have reports that are in real-time and will be able to base decisions off of this. Coca-Cola also faced what many company’s with a large amount of data face and that is lengthy time in producing reports. Because of the amount of data that is accured(?) it was hard to pull just the relevant information in an acceptable amount of time. With their upgrade to HANA, Coca-Cola will be able to better utilize and analyze their data.
Hardware iSeries models 830 and 825, IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium Tape Drives Software DB2 Universal Database, Backup, Recovery, and Media Services
IS Evaluation.
Bibliography "Coca-Cola." Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. < /inde x.html>. "Coca-Cola Bottling Company United Refreshes Its Business with an SAP Solution from IBM." (2005). IBM Corporation. Web. < /systems_tw_cocacola4_4_05.pdf>. Computing Staff. "Coca-Cola Mulls Global Rollout of SAP Business Objects." - 16 Feb 2011 - Computing News. Incisive Media Investments, 16 Feb. 2011. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. < business-objects>. Microsoft. "Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated Improves Project Cost Reporting." Microsoft Case Study: Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server. Microsoft, 18 May 2009. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. < studies /Case_Study_Detail.aspx?casestudyid=4000004270>. Ricadela, Aaron. "SAP's Plattner Courts Coca-Cola With Data-Analysis Software." Bloomberg. 12 May 2011. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. < s-plattner-courts-coke-in-bid-to-trump-oracle-in-software.html>. Wailgum, Thomas. "A Rare Look Inside Coca-Cola's IT." Web log post. CIO. 23 Apr. 2007. Web. 05 Apr. 2012. < as_it>.