Central Bureau of Statistics Environment Protection Expenditure in Israel Roee Abudi Agriculture and Environments Sector Amir Davidson National Accounts Sector
Public expenditure
Coverage Central Government Local Authorities Public NPI s Public enterprises
Data sources Central Government - budget execution Local Authorities - financial reports Public NPI s - financial reports Public enterprises - financial reports Imputations for missing or unidentified data
NPI Satellite Account - Environment Protection ICNPO manual – chapter on environment protection Survey of NPI s Processing and analyzing the results Publication
General Government accounts SNA – System of National Accounts COFOG – Classification by function Environment protection
Methodology and framework Public expenditure for environment protection - Eurostat Guidelines General Government accounts - COFOG NPI satellite account - ICNPO
Environment Protection Expenditure in the Manufacturing Sector A Pilot Survey
Existing and Missing Information Information is available only regarding environment protection expenditure in the public sector There is no information regarding environment protection expenditure in the rest of the economy
How to obtain the missing data? The next phase – collect data from the Manufacturing sector The method: carrying out a survey in this sector In the future – we plan to collect data from other sectors as well
Objectives and users of the survey Evaluating the expenditure in the manufacturing sector for the protection of the environment Studying the types of technologies that are used to protect the environment Data Users: CBS: National Accounts Sector, Agriculture and Environment Sector Decision makers in the public sector National and International organizations The public
Guidelines - OECD and Eurostat Classification - CEPA 2000 (Classification of Environmental Protection Activities) Definition and Classification
What does the survey examine? The environmental aspect The technological aspect The economic aspect
Methodology Protection of ambient air and climate (environment) End of pipe solution (technology) Investment An example: Environmental equipment-Bag Houses Current expenditure (economy)
Included Sectors Based on the standard classification of all economics activates (Israel) - similar to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Selected Divisions of the economic sectors (ISIC): C - Mining and quarrying D - Manufacturing From E - Electricity
Complexity of data collection Lack of knowledge regarding the Environmental aspect Difficulty in identification the relevant expenditure Incomplete reporting Identification and isolation of the reporting unit Cooperation Some of the reports are based on estimations Limited tools to asses the reliability of the data
Plans for the future …. Since currently there is no funding for a large-scale survey, we are trying to establish financial cooperation with other Government Ministries. In the long run – we plan to deal with the environment expenditure in the rest of the economy.
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