Transitioning Students Receiving Special Education Services Johnston J. Michael Lunsford Middle School February 22, 2017
Goals for Tonight Get to know Lunsford’s mission for student success Discuss Lunsford’s strategies and protocols for smooth transition Understand the scheduling and SPED services at the middle school Johnston
Our Mission: Student Achievement Equity It is our responsibility to provide every opportunity for all students to succeed and reach their potential. Collaboration We will work together to create a sense of community and an environment of positive exchange Relationships We will be models of integrity J. Michael Lunsford Middle School ensures student achievement through positive relationships, collaboration, and equitable practice. Johnston
SPED Programs at JML Goal is to Support Students in their Least Restrictive Environment Monitor/Consult General Education Academic Support/Team Taught—SLD/OHI/ED/Autism Self Contained Academic—SLD/Autism—SOL Self Contained Programs—ID/MD/Autism School Within a School—ED Intensive Autism Program—Autism Johnston
The Annual IEP Meeting All IEPs pre-scheduled at beginning of year Prior communication with case manager Documents sent home for review in advance of meeting Parent, Special Education Teacher, General Education Teacher, and Designee Review of present levels of academic and functional performance Individual Goals Accommodations Services District/State Assessments Johnston
What Happens Over The Summer? Placement decisions are reviewed (general education, academic support, self-contained) Course selections verified by school counselors Case managers assigned during summer break—Will contact you to introduce themselves and schedule annual IEP and/or Re- Eval Johnston
Who Do I Contact? Person How Can They Help? Case Manager Questions related to the implementation of IEPs, overall academic and social performance, and general questions and concerns. The case manager should also be copied on all correspondence to other staff members. Teacher Questions regarding class and homework assignments. Any questions about upcoming projects, grades, or any specific concerns related to that class. Counselor Concerns regarding social situations, elective class schedules, scheduling parent-teacher conferences, and emotional issues common to middle school students (peer to peer relationships). House Secretary Early dismissals, bus passes, notes from home Deans Any academic or discipline concern that cannot be addressed by the teacher or counselor. This would include bus issues and general classroom concerns. Assistant Principals We are available for all questions and concerns. Do not hesitate to contact us. Garvey
6th Grade Transition Activities Lions Leap: Weeks of July 31st & August 7th (Information and Registration on School Website) Open House: August 22nd (Times TBD) Garvey
Question Panel Garvey
Special Education SALT Suzie Salgado Special Education SALT
Gina Fink Parent/PTA President
Dominic and Joseph Pettis Students
Current 7th Grade Dean, Special Education Designee Val Cashman Current 7th Grade Dean, Special Education Designee
Special Education Teacher Susan Grimes Special Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher Gigi Ozgur Special Education Teacher
Thank you!