Why Study Mathematics Education at W.I.U.? If I want to be a math teacher, why should I go to Western?
A few quick reasons why mathematics teacher education at Western Illinois University is unique Math Club – Pizza and interesting math talks by WIU Graduates, visitors, or Faculty
Math Club Student Group
Mini-Lab of iPads in the Reasons why mathematics teacher education at Western Illinois University is unique iPads – learn how to use iPads for teaching. Rolling Case of 10 iPads Mini-Lab of iPads in the Math Resource Office
Reasons why mathematics teacher education at Western Illinois University is unique Conferences at W.I.U. Students attend professional teacher conferences with area teachers. Spring Fall
Reasons why math education at WIU is unique Mathematics Resource Office – houses: Hands-on learning materials. Lesson planning resources. Tables for student work. iPad mini-lab.
Mathematics Resource Office
Reasons why math education at WIU is unique Teaching Experience As Part of the curriculum, all Mathematics Majors in the teacher education option teach an WIU Intermediate Algebra lab twice per week under mathematics faculty supervision. This is a paid position. This on-campus experience is in addition to teaching experiences out in the schools. http://www.wiu.edu/cas/math/