Revision of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Common Implementation Strategy 16th meeting of the Working Group on Good Environmental Status (WG GES) DG Environment, Avenue de Beaulieu 5, 1160 Brussels Revision of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU JRC’s Follow-up work 06.12.2016
Main issues for follow-up work 1. In depth assessment of methodological approaches for monitoring (MSFD Art. 11) with a view to propose recommendations on standardised methods for monitoring and identify aspects that require improvement for ensuring consistency and harmonization 2. Guidelines/recommendations for common methodological standards and rules for setting threshold values/reference levels for GES criteria at (sub)regional level.
Roadmap, standardised methods for monitoring Covers requirements of MSFD Art. 11.4 and Art. 17.2c & in line with the CIS strategy 2016-2019 Recommendations and gaps Data Collection Horizontal scrutiny Evaluation Analysis Subtasks: MSFD monitoring knowledge repository in MCC JRC’s in-depth assessment of Art. 11 report Outcomes: Monitoring data (xml files)/reports (sources: EIONET, ENV, Milieu, MS national websites) Monitoring data (xml files)/reports (sources: EIONET, ENV, Milieu, MS national websites) Reports/publications/documents/guidance from projects/pilot programmes/JRC reports on MSFD monitoring -> MSFD monitoring knowledge repository in MCC Evaluation of quality and quantity of information in the reports Decide on the type of analysis according to the previous evaluation Results will feed the MCC and will be disseminated to WG GES and elsewhere By 30 Jun 2018: Final report Cross check if monitoring reports cover the gaps in data reported for Art. 8, 9, 10 Evaluate the coherence of the reported programmes with existing monitoring schemes (other EU legislation, RSCs…) AND ensure comparability of the assessments Check if the MSFD Annex III characteristics and the criteria are well covered Identify good practices (common methodological standards) comparing MSs implementation with available information (see point 2) Reports/publications/documents/guidance from projects/pilot programmes/JRC reports on MSFD monitoring Evaluation of quality and quantity of information in the reports Decide on the type of analysis according to the previous evaluation
Roadmap: setting threshold values for GES Covers requirements of MSFD Art 9.3 & in line with the CIS strategy 2016-2019 Issues per Desc. and Art.9 methods/rules Suggestions good practices expert networks Methods & rules Subtasks: MCC expert networks MCC inventory Workshops Reports for GES threshold setting Outcomes: Update expert networks established during the GES Decision review process for specific descriptors Update expert network established during the GES Decision review process for specific descriptors Inventory of methodological standards and rules for setting thresholds values\references levels for GES criteria (sources: RSCs, projects, publications) -> Art. 9 implementation corner in MCC; in collaboration with experts and RSCs 3. Identification of issues per descriptor on Art.9 and evaluate new promising methodological standards and rules against those reported by the MS in the first MSFD cycle -> workshops on particular descriptors with the expert networks to 4. Suggestions and good practices for setting thresholds and references values for the GES determination (work to be done by correspondence and workshops with the expert networks) Results will feed the MCC and will be disseminated to WG GES and elsewhere Sep 2017 - May 2018: Workshops on a descriptor basis 31 Dec 2018: Final report Inventory of methodological standards and rules for setting thresholds values\references levels for GES criteria (sources: RSCs, projects, publications) Workshops on particular descriptors with the expert network to evaluate new promising methodological standards and rules against those reported by the MS in the first MSFD cycle Suggestions and good practices for setting thresholds and references values for the GES determination (work to be done by correspondence and workshops with the expert networks)
Thank you for your attention