Fire Restriction Educational Campaign TITLE (DOUBLE BAR)
Outcome of a meeting with County Commissioners, Forest Service and Emergency Operations (shortly after 416 fire started) held on June 4th Effort was launched to educate locals and visitors on stage 2 fire restrictions, in order to keep the forest service from moving to stage 3 In less than one week, we pushed out a PSA video across social channels, distributed and hung flyers in every business with foot traffic, hung large laminated posters in high traffic areas, set up volunteer information tables at forest service entry points and much more BULLETS
Fire Restriction PSA Video
The move from stage 2 to stage 3 fire restrictions are determined by the inability to stop humans from starting fires, it has nothing to do with lightning The USFS moved to Stage 3 fire restrictions on June 12th, despite our local efforts Successes: (1) created “arsenal” of reuasable fire restriction educational materials (2) Feedback from forest service indicated that after PR campaign began, they had significantly fewer issues with human-caused fires / issues in the Pagosa Ranger District than the other parts of the San Juan National Forest (3) Strong partnership with forest service and emergency services; the agencies view Tourism Department as a resource, not hindrance BULLETS