Silk Roads & Sea Routes Time Period 3: 600 – 1450 C.E.
Bellwork Today’s Topic: Silk Roads What would happen to modern society if 1/3 of the population was wiped out by disease?
The Black Death
The Silk Road
Long Essay Question (LEQ) 3 options (Time Periods 1-2, 3-4, or 5-6) 40 minutes 15% of overall score Explain and analyze significant issues in world history. Develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence.
LEQ Scoring Thesis (1 point) Argument – Historical Thinking (2 points) Argument – Using Evidence (2 points) Synthesis (1 point) Examples is plural – must have a range of evidence to support the thesis/argument
LEQ Scoring - Thesis Thesis (1 point) Historically defensible claim Responds to all parts of the question
LEQ Scoring - Argument Argument – Historical Thinking (2 points) Describe causes and/or effects of historical event/development/process Explain causes and/or effects of historical event/development/process Argument – Using Evidence (2 points) Address topic of the question with specific examples of relevant evidence Utilize specific examples of evidence to fully and effectively substantiate the thesis or argument Examples is plural – must have a range of evidence to support the thesis/argument
LEQ Scoring - Synthesis Synthesis (1 point) Extend the argument by explaining connections between your argument and ONE of the following: Development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical era. Course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay (such as political, economic, social, cultural, or intellectual history). A different discipline or field of inquiry (such as economics, government and politics, art history, or anthropology). Synthesis point requires an explanation of your connection, not just a phrase or reference.
LEQ Examples Evaluate the extent to which new transportation technologies changed economic activity in the period before 600 B.C.E. Evaluate the extent to which the decline and reconstitution of empires led to changes in urban development in Afro- Eurasia in the period circa 400-1450 C.E. Evaluate the extent to which globalization transformed the world’s economy in the period 1950-2001. Evaluate the extent to which medical practices contributed to the success of Coca-Cola in the period 1800-1899.
LEQ Practice Evaluate the extent to which trade routes impacted Eurasian culture and society in the period 600 B.CE. – 1450 C.E. The LEQ practice prompt is a “cheat” – it’s combining Time Periods 2 & 3. Students would see 1-2 or 2-3. However, to use today’s topic, we need to shift the time focus. Breakdown LEQ prompt – 5 min Brainstorm - 5 min Write thesis – 5 min 3 student prompts written on board. Analyze as a class.