Language Features of Procedural Texts Year 8 english
Nouns Nouns or noun groups are used in the listed material or equipment e.g. screws, nuts, bolts, screwdriver, wood
Concise wording Often the name of an item is omitted instead of being constantly repeated and an ellipsis is used
Personal pronouns The person following the instructions may not be referred to or may be referred to in a general way as one or you. There is little use of personal pronouns e.g. he, she, me, we
Conjunctions Conjunctions are used to show chronological order e.g. before, while, then, after, when
Action verbs Action verbs start most sentences e.g. take, put, link
Adjectives Adjectives add details relating to size, shape, colour and amount e.g. place the red cube there
Tense Present tense is generally used e.g. ‘is’ instead of ‘was’, ‘now’ instead of ‘then’
Vocabulary Vocabulary ranges from technical to everyday language according to the target audience Examples of technical language: Cars – torque, caster, EPA fuel technology Downloading Music – FLAC, zip files, bpm, torrenting
Emphasis Emphasis is often given to important information by underlining it or writing in bold
Adverbs Adverbs add detailed information about how, where and when
This isn’t a story Clear, simple, precise but detailed language is to be used