Student Interactives Making Learning Fun Barry Wiginton Brought to you by Barry Wiginton Technology in Motion Specialist- UNA
For the Young Learner
ArtsEdge Weblinks: Crayola Coloring Pages Visit Site Younger students can create , print and color their own pages. Lots of creative fun!
ABC Match from ReadWriteThink Visit Site The ABC Match game challenges children to match letter cards and picture cards that begin with that letter. example, d with a picture of a dog. Children learn to read by first learning how letters sound.
PBS Kids Visit Site Students learn their vowel sounds in this fun and interactive tool.
PBS Kids Games Visit Site
Peter Reynolds and FableVision Visit Site
I’m Reading from Starfall Visit Site
The Un-Matching Game from PBS-Kids Visit Site
Bitesize from the BBC Visit Site Bitesize is a very fun and interactive site that helps students become better readers and writers.
Storyline Online Visit Site
For Older Learners
Printable Maps from National Geographic’s Xpeditions Visit Site Students of all ages will better understand their lessons if they understand where it all took (takes) place.
ArtsEdge Visit Site: Library of Congress 1. Choose a Category 2. Find the Vocabulary Words 3. Read about the Vocabulary after finding all the Words
Understanding Literature with Bitesize from the BBC Visit Site
Smithsonian’s History Explorer Visit Site Students gain valuable critical thinking skills as they make decisions about how to build their sod house.
Alice in Wonderland- an Audio Book Visit Site Can’t get the kids to read a book, maybe they will listen. This free book can be heard in Realplayer of added to their iPod as an MP3 file.
Learning Materials from Alabama Virtual Library and Britannica Online Encyclopedia Visit Site
Writing About Animals from ReadWriteThink Visit Site Help students become good writers and organize their thoughts by using questions to create an interactive graphic organizer.
Essay Map from ReadWriteThink Visit Site Students need effective writing strategies and this interactive graphic organizer can really help. Have students complete online or print the map and handout.
Persuasion Map from ReadWriteThink Visit Site
Writing to Compare or Contrast ReadWriteThink Classroom Resources Student Interactives Search for “Compare and Contrast” Visit Site
More Student Interactives Than You Can Shake a Stick At Visit Site