AP Lang Exam Review
Question 1: Synthesis Synthesis Type 1 Prompt Type (issues/factors): When discussing (topic of essay), (issue/factor 1), (issue/factor 2), and (issue/factor 3) are important to consider because (unifying reason(s) based on $SEE-ITT implication(s)). Example: When discussing whether or not standardized testing is beneficial, their district costs, discriminatory formats, and inability to adequately reflect student abilities are important factors to consider because this testing is creating a hostile educational environment. Synthesis Type 2 Prompt Type (Develop a Position/To What Extent/Argue/Evaluates/Defend-Challenge- Qualify): Although (potential counter argument to be addressed at some point in the paper), (your clear argument) because (unifying reason(s) based on $SEE-ITT implication(s)). Example: Although the penny has a rich historical significance, its abolishment is necessary because it is no longer cost or time effective.
Societal implications:
Question 2: Rhetorical Analysis COMMAND CONQUER This is what the prompt is asking you to do in your essay. It will always be some variant of ANALYZE. Underline from ANALYZE to the end of the sentence and then write it in the chart. The MOST IMPORTANT element, usually follow the variant of ANALYZE. You are looking for the authorial action verb, which will be part of an infinitive phrase. Double underline from the infinitive to the end of the sentence. Then, generate a QUESTION starting with the word “What,” using only the double underlined portion of the prompt. Using the conquer questions, you now know what you need to comprehend once you are done reading the essay. If you can answer this question, you can write the essay.
Gather 6 pieces of textual evidence Say what the author is DOING using strong ACTION verbs. Thesis Template: In the ________ (Genre) _________(Title/Author), (Speaker’s Name) (Contextual Information about author/speaker and/or text ) (Powerful verb + device and (Powerful verb + device), (optional Powerful verb + device), in order to _______(Answer to Conquer question). Use the word BECAUSE in your analysis.
Question 3: argument You can also COMMAND & CONQUER this prompt. Correctly identify the argument made by the author of the prompt and then STATE YOUR PERSPECTIVE on the argument. Prove your perspective with evidence from literature, history, current events, or personal experience. Thesis Template: Although (potential counter argument to be addressed at some point in the paper), (your clear argument) because (social implication).
Introductions: Try to open with something interesting! Try the Chambliss approach: think of a song, movie, TV show or book that is relevant to the topic at hand and open with that! It’s a refreshing change for most other boring introductions and will catch the attention of your reader. If you can’t think of anything, briefly summarize the topic and go straight to the thesis statement: Throw away the bread and get to the meat!
For all body paragraphs: Use the SIEL method! State It (topic sentence should introduce your first do not ask question or make a general observation) Illustrate It (specific evidence beats the general and hypothetical) Explain It (connect the evidence to the issue of the prompt—how is your evidence relevant?) Link It—this is very important! Make that connection to the thesis/prompt and reinforce your point before moving on to another.
Thesis statement summary: SYNTHESIS: Prompt Type (issues/factors): When discussing (topic of essay), (issue/factor 1), (issue/factor 2), and (issue/factor 3) are important to consider because (unifying reason(s) based on $SEE-ITT implication(s)). Prompt Type (Develop a Position/To What Extent/Argue/Evaluates/Defend-Challenge- Qualify): Although (potential counter argument to be addressed at some point in the paper), (your clear argument) because (unifying reason(s) based on $SEE-ITT implication(s)). RHETORICAL ANALYSIS: In the ________ (Genre) _________(Title/Author), (Speaker’s Name) (Contextual Information about author/speaker and/or text ) (Powerful verb + device and (Powerful verb + device), (optional Powerful verb + device), in order to _______(Answer to Conquer question). ARGUMENT: Although (potential counter argument to be addressed at some point in the paper), (your clear argument) because (social implication).
Tips from experienced readers: Don’t refer to authors by their first names. In the intro, refer to the author by both names, then henceforth use the last name. Spell out words like and, with, and because (not & w/, and b/c). This is an important international exam, not a note to a pal. You wouldn’t wear jeans to the prom. Don’t define terms. The readers are experienced AP teachers and English professors. They don’t need to be told a simile is a comparison using like or as.
DoS AND Don’ts for the night before: Gather all materials the night before: (multiple black pens & pencils, timer, snacks) Rush around the morning of the exam—this will increase anxiety. Study a little for confidence Pull an all-nighter Eat breakfast. Try new foods for breakfast! Indulge in some mindless TV for about an hour to relax your nerves. Tune in for the horror movie marathon. Take this seriously. Panic! Look forward to celebrating when it’s over! Question your training! You are ready!
Brain break!! No matter what happens (and you’ll do great), at the end of the day, you can be happy that you ARE NOT this guy: Comic Relief