Change Management Approaches DECISION: The Masterful approach will be employed, with Emergent principles blended in Change Management Approaches What’s to be done is set top down, tested with others, and open to change Change is guided by a common plan, roadmap, agreed projects and consistent language People are involved to identify & sense what’s really going on & build their responsibility & capability for figuring things out Build skills in leading change, including how to help people through it Establish networks to build connections across the organisation Figure out who’s important for the change - get and keep them on board What’s to be done is set top down and tightly controlled How to do it? You follow prescribed steps and recipes People get given the same messages from the centre Change is driven through separate projects Change projects are rolled out from the centre” Not much investment in building change skills 100% alignment – you’re in or you’re out Leaders say – “keep it simple, just go do it” You engage people to inform and get “buy in” Instructions Frameworks Tool kits A few hard rules Centralised direction with detail & accountability left to local management Standard tools and templates are handed out to the field for local implementation “Pick ‘n mix” – people can select what they need to do at local level Content is defined, the process is up to you Though, support teams & “help desks” may be provided on how to implement Within an overall purpose, the direction gets adjusted as you go and make sense of what’s needed Leaders establish a few “big rules” that guide what you do People can then get on with things as they see fit Start in a small way and build up from there Use informal networks to build understanding & energy Work step by step – no need to figure out the whole plan out in advance Go to the hot spots where things are bubbling up and make them bigger