Unit 6 Continued Today’s Objective: I can classify organisms using a classification tool. I can generalize criteria for classification of organisms.
8 Levels of Organization Domain: Highest rank Single cell or Multi-cellular Eukaryotes Bacteria Archaea
8 Levels of Organization Domain: Kitty Cat Example ~ Eukaryota ~ Made up of many cells Cells have nucleus More complex
8 Levels of Organization Kingdom: 2nd highest level What can your cells do? Specialization of cells Eukaroyta: Bacteria: Animalia Archaea: Plantae Fungi Protista
8 Levels of Organization Kingdom: Kitty Cat Example ~ Animalia ~ Complex organism made up of complex cells Cannot make their own food Can move!
8 Levels of Organization Phylum: Below Kingdoms Two versions: Based on physical similarities (older) Based on genetic similarities (newer) Animalia has 29 phyla. Plantae has 12. Bacteria has over 30!
8 Levels of Organization
8 Levels of Organization Phylum: Kitty Cat Example ~ Chordata ~ Has a hollow body Has a skeleton Has a spinal cord
8 Levels of Organization Class: Below phylum Hundreds of classes! (16 in the chordata phylum alone!)
8 Levels of Organization Class: Kitty Cat Example ~ Mammalia ~ Does not lay eggs, has live births Have fur/hair Produce milk for offspring
8 Levels of Organization Order: Below class Some mammalia examples: Artiodactyla (hoofed) Carnivora (carnivores) Primates (that’s us!) Tubulidentata (aardvarks)
8 Levels of Organization Order: Kitty Cat Example ~ Carnivora ~ Eats meat (carnivore) Fixed jaw Sharp canine teeth
8 Levels of Organization Family: Below order Organisms belonging to the same family would have evolved from the same ancestors and share relatively common characteristics. Thousands of different families!
8 Levels of Organization Family: Kitty Cat Example ~ Felidae ~ Short muzzle Retractable claws
8 Levels of Organization Genus: Below family All have similar common ancestors Must be distinct from each other: Environments Behaviors Note: Organisms that are related BUT are reproductively isolated are typically found in the same genus I.E. Lions and Tigers
8 Levels of Organization Genus: Kitty Cat Example ~ Felis ~ “Feline” Smaller cats Cannot roar
8 Levels of Organization Species: Below genus Can interbreed & produce offspring Offspring can reproduce Similar physical and genetic characteristics
8 Levels of Organization Genus: Kitty Cat Example ~ Catus ~ Domesticated cats Kept as pets 40-55 breeds (subspecies)